Hamas says Abbas refused Israeli request to delay elections


Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas speaks in the West Bank’s Ramallah on 3 September 2020, as he meets by video conference with representatives of Palestinian factions gathered at the Palestinian embassy in Beirut in rare talks on how to respond to such accords and to a Middle East peace plan announced by Washington [ALAA BADARNEH/POOL/AFP via Getty Images]

A senior Hamas official has said that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas rejected an Israeli request to postpone the upcoming elections. Hamas Political Bureau member Mousa Abu Marzook revealed the details to Radio Alam on Sunday.

However, according to Arabs 48 news website, Abu Marzook pointed out that, “Amidst the ongoing divisions within Fatah, putting off the elections is still possible.”

Fatah and the PA did not comment on the veteran politician’s comments. Abbas is also the president of Fatah as well as the Palestine Liberation Organisation.

PA Spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeineh told Voice of Palestine radio that Abbas’s intentions were made clear by his presidential decrees for the elections to be held this year.

Abu Rudeineh reiterated that Fatah insists on its candidates standing for all elections on a united list. He added that the movement’s hope is that the results will meet the needs and wishes of the Palestinian people.

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