Escalation in Gaza: IDF launched artillery attack, hit more Hamas targets

After this morning’s rocket launch, Air Force strikes and gunshots, the IDF launched another artillery attack at Hamas targets. Feb 6, 2017, 8:00PM Tonight (Sunday), the IDF launched an artillery attack aimed at Hamas outposts and bases in central Gaza. Earlier, tanks responded to gunshots fired at IDF soldiers who were near the border fence in the Kissufim area.  “Not long ago, the IDF attacked and destroyed a post belonging to the terrorist organization Hamas in southern Gaza,” read a statement released by the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit. “The IDF will continue to operate with determination at all times to maintain Israel’s …

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Losing Our Lives

Reflections   If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. (Matt. 16:24-25)   Millions today are being taught that God wants to bless their lives, and they are being given instructions as to how to get Him to do it. Yet Jesus states here that we are to LOSE our lives for His sake. How likely is it that God will bless a life that we are told …

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The Simple Gospel

What is the gospel? — what is the true good news of God? The good news is wrapped up in a PERSON – a Person, Jesus Christ, the Son of God. The good news is that God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to do for human beings what human beings could not do for themselves. And what was that? God sent Christ to deliver us all from sin through His death on the Cross, and He sent Christ to usher in a new creation through His resurrection. He sent Christ to die and be raised so that we could be …

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Everlasting God

Everlasting God

Do you ever feel exhausted? Like, mind-numbing, fall-asleep-on-your-feet, not even have an emotional response for anything, exhausted?
Maybe that’s you today… Read Isaiah 40:28-31, which are the large basis for the song Everlasting God. So read these lyrics knowing God’s promise to carry you through it. God Bless You All…

Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord (Psalm 31:24, Isaiah 40:29-31, Isaiah 41:10)
Wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord (Psalm 27:14, Psalm 130:5-6, Proverbs 20:22, Isaiah 8:17)

Our God, You reign forever (Exodus 15:18, Psalm 146:10, Lamentations 5:19, Revelation 11:15)
Our hope, our strong deliverer (Psalm 18:2, Psalm 56:13, Psalm 144:2, Jeremiah 14:22, 2 Corinthians 1:10, 1 Timothy 4:10, Hebrews 10:23)

You are the everlasting God
The everlasting God
You do not faint
You won’t grow weary (Genesis 21:33, Psalm 121:4, Isaiah 40:28)

You’re the defender of the weak (Psalm 12:5, Psalm 18:2-3, Psalm 59:9-10, Psalm 91:1-2)
You comfort those in need (Isaiah 40:1, Isaiah 51:12, Isaiah 66:13, 2 Corinthians 1:3-4)
You lift us up on wings like eagles (Psalm 103:5, Isaiah 40:31)

You are the everlasting God (Genesis 21:33, Isaiah 40:28)
The everlasting God
The everlasting God
The everlasting

Isaiah 40:28-31(KJV)

28 Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding.
29 He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.
30 Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall:
31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles;they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.


Where we focus our attention will determine how we are impacted by hardships. Hebrews 11:23-29 (KJV) 23 By faith Moses, when he was born, was hid three months of his parents, because they saw he was a proper child; and they were not afraid of the king’s commandment. 24 By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter; 25 Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; 26 Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in …

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The Bible Answer Man Said What? :: By Jan Markell

Published on: February 3, 2017 by RRadmin7 Category:General Articles, Jan Markell In 2005 I brought Hal Lindsey to the Twin Cities for a large conference. Hal’s book, “Late-Great Planet Earth,” had a profound impact on me as a young person. I certainly would not be in this ministry were it not for the end-time apologetics I learned from Hal. Like all of us, he is a flawed man and may not have every conclusion exactly right but he ignited an interest in the things to come by making those issues much easier to understand. He told me that some who hold …

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Israel Watch

Published on: January 30, 2017 by RRadmin7 The Way Things Work It appears we are watching a revolution of sorts in our country, and for the first time in my lifetime, the Left appears to be back on its heels a bit. No one knows how the Trump era will play out, but for now, the Right is punching back at the Left. I want to attempt in this week’s “Israel Watch” to explain how those on the Left operate in the culture. Keep in mind that while I don’t write exclusively about Israel this week, we must pay attention …

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Denying Self

Reflections If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. (Matt. 16:24-25) In this passage, Jesus tells us what we must do in order to, “come after,” Him. Do we want to follow Christ? Then we need to read and obey this verse. Otherwise, we are deceiving ourselves. The first thing Jesus says a person must do is, “deny himself.” This is not so much about denying ourselves THINGS. …

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Question: “What is the definition of grace?”

Answer: The gospel message is the good news of God’s grace, so it is important to know what grace is and to constantly seek to get a better view of what grace does in our lives. Grace is an essential part of God’s character. Grace is closely related to God’s benevolence, love, and mercy. Grace can be variously defined as “God’s favor toward the unworthy” or “God’s benevolence on the undeserving.” In His grace, God is willing to forgive us and bless us abundantly, in spite of the fact that we don’t deserve to be treated so well or dealt …

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Who do you say that I am?” Denying Jesus

Who do you say that I am?” Denying Jesus Whosoever shall deny Me before men, him will I also deny before My Father, who is in heaven. Strong words from Jesus (Matthew 10:33; Luke 12:9). But wait! The Apostle Peter denied Jesus, not just once but three times! So has Jesus denied even Peter — one of the twelve original apostles, a primary figure in the founding and growth of the early Christian Church (Acts 2, 10), and writer of two books of His Holy Word (1 and 2 Peter)? The answer is of course, no. In fact, the lesson …

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The Lord is my peace.

I will not live in anxiety.
He puts me under His wing of comfort and calms my spirit within me.
He takes all my anxieties on Himself and helps me to focus on Him.
Yes, though I walk through a time of grave uncertainties and fierce anxieties,
I will not fret — for You are my peace.
Your Word and presence calm me now.
You hold my uncertainties in the palm of Your hand.
You soothe my anxious mind — You smooth my wrinkled brow.
Surely serenity and trust in You shall fill me all the days of my life.
And I shall keep my mind stayed on You forever.

Dillow, Linda

John 16:33 – These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

1 Peter 5:7 – Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.


Do I Trust God, or My Understanding?

Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding. (Prov 3:5) If there is one thing that comes natural, it is to put trust in our understanding. People assume that, “the way they see it,” is the way it IS. The way WE feel about something, or someone, we assume is the way it IS. We use ourselves as the measuring tape by which all things are evaluated. This is, of course, not only self-trust, but arrogance. And unfortunately, many Christians are not free of such nonsense. There are a number of ways to …

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