I Am Pilate!

I Am Pilate! Dr. Mike Murphy “There was something in his eyes that was different. Something separated him from all the others that had appeared before me. So many had been brought in front of me to judge in this rebellious country, they became nothing more than faces without a face. Names spoken without a sound. But something in his face brought his name to my lips, something in the sound of his voice caused me to speak it.” “He was unlike any man I had ever met. Most came in front of me filled with fear, speaking whatever words …

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The Ten Plagues of Egypt

When God sent the ten plagues upon Egypt, He did it not only to punish the Egyptians for enslaving the Jews, but also to show His superiority to anything that the Egyptians worshipped. In Exodus 12:12, Moses wrote that God would execute judgments “against all of the gods of Egypt.” Each of these plagues affected one or more of the Egyptian gods. First Plague: Nile River to Blood The Nile River, considered sacred by the Egyptians, was turned into blood. Khnum, guardian of the Nile, could not protect his own river. Hapi, the spirit of the Nile, could not prevent …

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