Netanyahu: Golan will stay forever a part of Israel

US for 1st time votes with Israel against annual UN resolution. Calling for Israel to give Golan to Syria; Australia voted for resolution in 2017, abstained this year. Herb Keinon November 18, 2018 15:45 The Golan Heights is part of Israel and will remain under its sovereignty forever, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday. […]


Meanwhile By Andy Coticchio We are waiting, Lord, and not always patiently and obediently for Your soon return. We are waiting, faithfully and eagerly knowing You will return as You have said. We are waiting for the joy that we know we will have in Your eternal presence. Yet we know not the day nor time, and therefore, we often wait anxiously. So, what are we to do in the meantime? Just sitting around waiting is not what You had in mind for us. As Your children we can do many things: Praying: In all things, at all times, we …

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How Grace Changes Everything

How Grace Changes Everything 1 Timothy 1:12-17 12 And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry; 13 Who was before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious: but I obtained mercy, because I did it ignorantly in unbelief. 14 And the grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus. 15 This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief. 16 Howbeit for …

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No Mind Can Conceive It

No Mind Can Conceive It In pardoning the sin, and in justifying the sinner, the penalty incurred and the obedience demanded must be met. The law must be honored, justice satisfied, holiness secured, and the righteousness, dignity, and glory of the moral Government of God displayed and magnified in the eyes of the whole universe. Let an ingenuous and thoughtful mind pause and enquire how could God exhibit His infinite abhorrence of sin, and vindicate the holiness of the law; how exact the stern penalty incurred by the one, and meet the unbending requirements of the other- by saving the sinner …

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Satan Corrupts Physical Humanity

Daniel E. Woodhead Artist Unknown Introduction Our Lord Jesus told us that the conditions on this earth are going to be just as bad as they were before He destroyed the earth with a Flood many years ago: Matthew 24: 37 “37But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” (KJV) In the first instance, God destroyed the earth by a flood. When Christ returns, the destructive means will be a fire, with nuclear weapons contributing to it. In both instances, the sin on the earth had degraded to the point …

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The Great Schism – by Hal Lindsey

The Great Schism – by Hal Lindsey Is it just me or does it seem the mid-term elections will never end? It feels like the victories are being stolen from the victors — in slow motion and plain sight. With all the shenanigans being thrust upon us by those who lost yet another election, it’s extremely easy to get cynical, even angry. Especially at frustrating and discouraging times like these, it’s important to take some time to pause and reflect on God’s blessings in our lives. Not just for our benefit, but for His, too. I believe that few things …

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Biblical Demonology

Many in the first four centuries of the Church, such as Lactantius and Augustine, wrote of the demons. This doctrine has fallen silent for nearly 1600 years except for a few obscure writers. With Adolph Hitler’s appearance and his known demonic influence the subject has received some attention by theologians. Paul Tillich, the liberal protestant German theologian, wrote of the demonic forces controlling modern history. It is most important to see what the Bible reveals about the demons and demonic forces. We have seen that sin was originated in Satan (Ezekiel 28: 15). He is a king with a kingdom …

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Born To Die

Dr. Mike Murphy I keep looking out my window for the snow!  I could almost smell the fir and the pine. The fragrance and taste of the wassail filled my imagination. As I opened my e-mail and already saw all the Christmas ads, I just figured it had to be cold outside, with snow on the ground.  It seems like each year the Christmas ads come earlier and earlier.  I do like to joke about it, but it really does not bother me.  I love the Christmas season.  The feeling that fills the air, family and friends coming together, a …

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Tearing Of The Temple Curtain: Why Was This Significant?

by JACK WELLMAN When Jesus died on the cross, the temple curtain (also known as the temple veil) was torn. Why did this happen? What was the significance of the veil being torn and why was it torn from the top down? The Temple Curtain’s Purpose The veil was a long, woven curtain that was purple, scarlet and blue. This curtain or veil was for the purpose of separating the Most Holy Place which held the Ark of the Covenant and the Mercy Seat. Sitting on top of the Ark was a gold lid. This was the place for the …

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Question 51. Which calendar is correct: the Christian calendar or the Jewish calendar? Which calendar should believers in Yeshua follow?

Answer: Neither the Christian (Gregorian) calendar nor the Jewish calendar is correct. The Gregorian calendar was based upon an attempt to include Yeshua’s birth year in the counting of time. However, without having all the historical facts at the time that this was done, there was a discrepancy. Today, it is possible to pinpoint with a fair amount of accuracy the actual year Messiah was born by correlating Luke’s account with Matthew’s and other historical sources from this period (especially Josephus). Four basic clues will be considered. The first clue concerns the year Herod died, which was the year 4 B.C. …

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“For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way. Then that lawless one will be revealed . . .” – 2 Thessalonians 2:7-8a (NASB) The mystery of lawlessness refers to Satan’s counterfeit program of deception that is in opposition to God’s program of truth. It is by means of this program of lawlessness that Satan intends to bring to world power the lawless one: the Antichrist. However, the Antichrist will not gain full political and religious control until he wars against the ten kings and …

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The Rapture: Part III (When Will It Happen?)

by Pete Garcia– The Rapture: Part III (When Will It Happen?) A reader recently asked me something that I had been asked many times over the years. Paraphrasing him for brevity’s sake, he asked, what difference does it make which rapture position I hold too? The Rapture will happen when it happens regardless of whether it is Pre-Trib, Pre-Wrath, Post-Trib, or No-Trib. We will get raptured when we get raptured and our hope should be in Christ, not in the Rapture. I get his point, honestly I do. As Christian’s, our ultimate hope is (or should be) living a life that is …

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