What Is Intercession?

Intercession is not a matter of begging God to do something we think is needed. Neither is it a matter of basing our faith on our ability to reach God through prayer. Rather, to intercede, I must put myself aside. Intercession is a matter of being apprehended by God to stand with HIM for HIS will and HIS purpose — regarding the one for whom you intercede, or regarding the situation in question. Intercession is for God’s will, His way, in His time — regardless of cost. In the NT Greek, the word for “intercession” carries the meaning, “to fall …

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– A Fascinating Study That May Bring A Tear To Your Eyes! (Worth the read!) Did you know that according to Psalms 56:8, God puts our tears in a bottle and in a book? And the details of your tears many times reveals a “roadmap” of what is happening in your life at that point! (Notice the photo.) It’s quite remarkable, but a woman who has done years of microscope enhanced photography has discovered some amazing things about our tears that we would have probably never known about or even thought seriously about… Rose-Lynn Fisher, as part of a new …

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God’s Chastisement of His Children

Reflections From The Psalms The Lord tries the righteous: but the wicked and him that loves violence his soul hates. (Ps. 11:5) The contrast in this verse is striking. On the one hand we are told what the Lord hates. But this is contrasted over and against those who are righteous in Christ – those whom God loves. And clearly, one way in which God expresses His love is by, “trying the righteous.” When the Bible speaks of, “trying, trials, or testing,” it is NOT talking about God putting people into situation in order to see whether they have faith. …

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Examining the Evidence For the Pre-Trib Rapture – by Jack Kinsella

It is fascinating to me how those who hold to a different view of the Rapture are so hateful toward those who anticipate the Rapture first and the Tribulation to follow. It is as if they have a holy mission to chance my view to match theirs. On the other hand, I feel no such mission to ‘convert’ them. Whether one believes in a pre, mid or post Trib Rapture, or whether one believes in the Rapture at all, when it happens, if such a one is saved, they will be just as raptured as somebody who doesn’t. We aren’t …

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Iron Dome batteries in Greater Tel Aviv and the South against possible hostilities

Growing concern is reported by DEBKAfile’s militarysources in Israel’s government and IDF command that Iran is planning to instigate coordinated escalations of violence on its northern and southern fronts. In the last few hours, statements from both Tehran and Damascus indicate that Iran has decided on a powerful response to the Israeli air and ground missile […]

“Martha was cumbered about much serving.”—Luke 10:40.

HER fault was not that she served: the condition of a servant well becomes every Christian. “I serve,” should be the motto of all the princes of the royal family of heaven. Nor was it her fault that she had “much serving.” We cannot do too much. Let us do all that we possibly can; let head, and heart, and hands, be engaged in the Master’s service. It was no fault of hers that she was busy preparing a feast for the Master. Happy Martha, to have an opportunity of entertaining so blessed a guest; and happy, too, to have the …

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We Will Rise!

They say we are down, that we no longer matter. They tell us we are outdated, proclaiming ideas that went out with the past. The world turns its’ face from us, and society mocks us with every chance. They laugh at us, telling us that people no longer need us. They dig our grave, announcing our death. But we will rise! They laugh as they watch us bicker, seeing our numbers fall. They listen to the sounds of those who claim to speak for us, those who seek to glorify their own name. The world places them on a pedestal, …

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The Only Foundation

Reflections From the Psalms If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? (Ps. 11:3) The foundation of Christianity, indeed, of our lives, is the Person of Jesus Christ. But not merely facts or doctrines about Him. As essential as those are, the foundation is the Living Christ who dwells IN US. Christ in us, the hope of glory, (Col. 1:27) is the essence of Christianity – indeed, Jesus Christ is supposed to BE our very life. (Col. 3:4) When Peter confessed to Jesus, “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God,” it was a watershed moment …

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God’s Shield against Discouragement

Scriptures: Psalm 5:9–12 Sometimes we suffer discouragement because of difficult circumstances caused by no one in particular: natural disasters, disease, economic downturns, injury. Frequently, however, we suffer because enemies cause us harm and refuse to stop. That was David’s lament in Psalm 5. He knew discouragement can easily escalate into resentment, bitterness, hatred, and finally retaliation. He feared becoming like his oppressors. So, David reflected on the Lord’s character and asked Him for the ability to do things His way. David then considers the character and actions of his enemies (Psalm 5:9–10). There is nothing reliable in what they say;Their …

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The Threat From Within – by Steve Schmutzer

Jesus instructed us to “…. be wise as serpents and harmless as doves” (Matt. 10:16). So why are so many Christians “….as dumb as hammers and dangerous as dynamite” instead? I know – it’s a loaded question and it’ll evoke some reactions. So let me explain myself, and I’ll start by outlining what Jesus was trying to say. In this Matthew passage, Jesus is sending out His 12 disciples for ministry. He’s taught them a lot, He’s been an example to them, and now it’s their turn to show what they’ve learned. The context is the earliest frontiers of The …

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“I have exalted one chosen out of the people.”—Psalm 89:19.

WHY was Christ chosen out of the people? Speak, my heart, for heart-thoughts are best. Was it not that He might be able to be our brother, in the blest tie of kindred blood? Oh, what relationship there is between Christ and the believer! The believer can say, “I have a Brother in heaven; I may be poor, but I have a Brother who is rich, and is a King, and will He suffer me to want while He is on His throne? Oh, no! He loves me; He is my Brother.” Believer, wear this blessed thought, like a necklace of …

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The End Times

Reflections From the Psalms Help, Lord; for the godly man ceases; for the faithful fail from among the children of men. They speak vanity every one with his neighbor: with flattering lips and with a double heart do they speak. (Ps. 12:1-2) In these last days, we are seeing the infiltration of the spirit of the enemy as never before. Among those who are not in Christ there is increasing violence, hatred, and lying. There is little restraint of evil. Indeed, more and more we are seeing the celebration of it. We might expect such things of the world. But …

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