On erasing Jews

A recent discovery in a Paris flea market should awaken the world to a frightening possibility Aaron David Fruh April 21, 2019 23:52 As antisemitism ascended in pre-Holocaust Austria, a Jewish writer in Vienna – Hugo Bettauer – wrote a futuristic allegorical novel entitled The City Without Jews. The year was 1922, and the book […]

US deploys two carrier strike groups in Mediterranean – first time since 2016

The John C. Stennis and Abraham Lincoln carrier strike groups have joined the US Mediterranean 6th Fleet for the first time in more than two years. This was announced on Monday, April 22, by the 6th Fleet commander, Vice Adm Lisa Franchetti.  DEBKAfile’s military sources add that this unusual concentration of US naval and air might in the region is intended […]

Why Trump’s Iran Terror Designation is a Game Changer

U.S. President Donald Trump’s designation of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization is the first move in extending the concept of “terrorism” to a state actor — an actor that owns a remarkable share not only in Iranian foreign and security policy but also in its economy.This move could have severe […]

Netanyahu: ‘I will name a Golan town after Trump’

Netanyahu said there “is a need to express our appreciation by calling a community or neighborhood on the Golan Heights after Donald Trump.” Herb Keinon April 23, 2019 20:18 If Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has his way, alongside Katzrin, Ramot and Ramat Magshimim on the Golan Heights, there may someday soon be a community named […]

Living The Impossible – by Hal Lindsey

Someone recently reminded me of something I said in a sermon many years ago. “The Christian life is not a difficult life to live. The Christian life is an impossible life to live.” At first, those words are disturbing. We’re like the disciples. After the rich, young ruler turned away from Christ, the Lord said something that disturbed and astonished them. “Truly I say to you, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for …

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Egypt referendum extends Sisi rule to 2030

Amendments were approved, with 88.83% voting in favor.   Mordechai Sones, 23/04/19 22:52   Egyptian police officer stands guard outside polling station Reuters Egypt’s election commission says voters have approved a series of proposals to amend the Egyptian constitution, allowing incumbent President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi to continue to rule Egypt until 2030 and significantly expanding […]

Watch: Netanyahu pledges to name Golan town after Trump

PM Netanyahu: ‘I intend to bring a resolution calling for a new community on the Golan named after President Donald J. Trump.’ Arutz Sheva Staff, 23/04/19 Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu pledge to build a new community named after US President Donald Trump on the Golan Heights in gratitude for the president’s recognition of Israel’s sovereignty […]

Israel, US launch reciprocal investor visa programs

The United States and Israel have launched a reciprocal policy allowing major investors to reside in each country. Israel’s Interior Ministry announces that it will grant investor visas — which permit US citizens, including vital workers and their families — to reside and work in Israel on a temporary basis for the purpose of managing […]

Mass arrests follow PA sting against Hamas spy network

Palestinian Authority military intelligence allegedly uncovered a year-long plot by Hamas to infiltrate the P.A. security framework. According to a report on the Ynet website on Tuesday, the Palestinian Authority has conducted sweeping arrests of senior P.A. defense officials suspected of spying for Hamas.P.A. military intelligence allegedly uncovered a year-long plot by Hamas to infiltrate […]

Kushner: Mueller investigation damaged U.S. more than Russian interference

Mueller has secured multiple indictments and several convictions in the course of his probe. RON KAMPEAS/JTA April 23, 2019 23:10 White House Senior adviser Jared Kushner sits behind U.S. President Donald Trump during a cabinet meeting at the White House in Washington, U.S., November 1, 2017. (photo credit: REUTERS/KEVIN LAMARQUE) WASHINGTON — Jared Kushner said […]

Iran ready to supply oil, gas needs of Pakistan

SHANA — Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said the country was ready to supply the oil and gas needed by neighboring Pakistan. Speaking during a joint televised news conference in Tehran on Monday with Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan, Dr. Rouhani said that the Islamic Republic of Iran was ready to provide oil and gas to […]

Iran parliament authorizes firm action against U.S. ‘terrorist acts’

“The bill authorizes the government to take firm and retaliatory measures against terrorist activities of American forces that endangers Iran’s interests,” TV reported. REUTERS April 23, 2019 13:23 Iran’s parliament passed a bill on Tuesday requiring the government take firm steps to respond to “terrorist actions” by U.S. forces, state TV reported, retaliating against Washington’s […]