Are Natural Disasters that Hit the USA After They Turn their Back On Israel a Coincidence?

By Phil Schneider There is no question that some things that happen are a coincidence. But are some of these coincidences divinely inspired? Are “natural disasters” divinely inspired? Can we make any judgments based on what seems like an unbelievable string of coincidences? Hurricanes, market crashes, and attacks on US soil have all occurred at […]

IDF confirms cease-fire with Hamas, says civilians can resume normal routines

Hours after Palestinian media announces Egyptian-brokered truce, IDF says civilians can resume their normal daily routine and that schools will operate as usual. Terms of truce unclear. Trump: We support Israel 100%. by  Reuters and Israel Hayom Staff  Published on  2019-05-06 07:35 Last modified: 2019-05-06 08:11 Owners of stores at the building inspect the damage of their […]