Qatar to transfer half a billion dollars to Palestinians in Gaza, West Bank

The oil-rich Gulf state vows to invest some $300 million in health and education in the Palestinian Authority, with an additional $180 million going to various UN humanitarian initiatives Elior Levy|Published:  05.07.19 , 09:10 Qatar will transfer some $480 million to Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, said an announcement by the […]

Islamic Jihad admits baby, pregnant woman killed by their own rockets

The report was published in a Telegram account related to Hamas. Rossella Tercatin May 7, 2019 04:43 Palestinian Islamic Jihad militants participate in a military show in Gaza City. (photo credit: MOHAMMED SALEM/ REUTERS) The Islamic Jihad, one of the terror organizations responsible for the recent wave of attacks against Israel, admitted that the baby […]