Syrian Opposition Leader Pushes for Normalization with Israel

MOHAMMAD AL-KASSIM 05/13/2019 Fahad Almasri: We must recognize that Israel is an important regional state, a fact that exists whether recognized by regional and Arab parties or not Though most Syrians oppose normalizing relations with Israel and reject efforts toward establishing diplomatic ties, that has not stopped Syrian opposition leader Fahad Almasri from seeking an opportunity […]

Iranian-backed Houthi drones target Saudi Arabia – report

The Houthis have repeatedly launched drone and missile attacks on Saudi Arabia and claimed to have launched drone attacks on the UAE. Seth J. Frantzman May 14, 2019 10:12 Iranian media claimed on Tuesday that Houthi rebel drones targeted Saudi Arabia. Riyadh has been leading a Coalition alongside the Yemen government against the Iranian-backed Houthis. […]

Pompeo to discuss Iran deal with Russians today

As tensions rise between US and Iran in Gulf, Russia has been critical of the US decision to leave the Iran Deal and pressure Iran. Seth J. Frantzman May 14, 2019 10:26 US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is meeting Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in the pleasant Black Sea resort of Sochi Tuesday. It […]

US warns of Palestinian attacks on anniversary of Jerusalem embassy move

Americans advised to be alert, avoid demonstrations and follow Israeli authorities’ instructions ahead of Nakba Day protests, Eurovision By MICHAEL BACHNERToday, 9:58 am  0   US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and US President Donald Trump’s daughter and adviser Ivanka Trump unveil the inauguration plaque during the opening of the US embassy in Jerusalem on May 14, 2018. […]

IDF said to issue troops near Gaza strict open fire orders ahead of Eurovision

Move comes as Israel seeks calm to host international singing event; Iron Dome deployed across the country By TOI STAFFToday, 4:03 am  1 137shares Israeli soldiers seen near IDF tanks stationed near the Gaza border, May 6, 2019 (Aharon Krohn/Flash90) The IDF has tightened the rules of engagement for troops based near the Gaza Strip as Israel seeks […]

Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps on full alert sending a clear warning to Gulf countries

Posted on 14/05/201914/05/2019 The IRGC commander of Iran aerospace force Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizade By Elijah J. Magnier: Iran has deployed its ballistic and cruise missiles, some in positions visible to US satellites and drones. They are ready for any confrontation with the US military apparatus, in case the US administration decides on war. […]

White House said to review plan to send up to 120,000 troops to Middle East

Proposal by Pentagon officials suggests deployment nearing Gulf War levels if Iran were to expedite nuclear program or target US forces By TOI STAFF and AGENCIESToday, 8:12 am     In this photo released by the US Navy, a Sea Hawk helicopter prepares to land on the flight deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier in the Adriatic […]