Amid Heightened Tensions, US, Iran Appear To Pull Back From Brink

US President Donald Trump denied a New York Times report that top national security officials in the United States were proposing to send up to 120,000 American soldiers to the Middle East in the event of a military confrontation with Iran. “I think it’s fake news, okay? Now would I do that? Absolutely. But we […]

Jews will be barred from Temple Mount on Jerusalem Day

The site is closed every year on the last days of Ramadan, which this year falls out at the same time as Jerusalem Day, which is on June 1. MARCY OSTER/JTA May 15, 2019 05:30 JERUSALEM — Jews and tourists will be barred from visiting the Temple Mount on Jerusalem Day. It reportedly will be […]

Palestinians to mark ‘Nakba Day’ with protests, strikes

“We won’t accept Trump’s deal of the century regardless of the price.” Khaled Abu Toameh May 15, 2019 04:04 A Palestinian wearing a mask holds a cut-out of a key during a rally ahead of the ‘Nakba Day’ in Bethlehem in 2015. (photo credit: REUTERS) Palestinians are planning to mark Nakba Day – “Catastrophe Day,” […]

Palestinians mark Nakba (Catastrophe) Day. IDF on high alert

The Palestinians mark Nakba Day on Tuesday to commemorate their “catastrophe (Israeli statehood), after Islamic Jihad in Gaza called on the masses to turn out for anti-Israel marches. The IDF is on elevated alert on the Gaza border and Jerusalem for violent eruptions. Civilians are asked to keep their distance from Gaza in case of […]

The Golan is next after Iran hit 3 Gulf oil targets, say Rev Guards associates

Two staffers on Iranian Revolutionary Guards publications reported on Tuesday, May 14 that the Israeli Golan is Tehran’s next target after its attacks on UAE and Saudi oil infrastructure. Hamed Rahim-Pour, international editor of the Khorasan daily and Amin Arabshahi, a senior reporter for the IRGC’s Tasnim news agency, wrote this on Tuesday: “All our […]

US orders all non-emergency personnel to leave Iraq – embassy

Edited time: 15 May, 2019 08:40 Washington ordered to pull out its “non-emergency” staff from Iraq, the US Embassy in Baghdad said on Wednesday. The move comes after an alert on tensions in the country. Some government employees are set to leave the embassy in Baghdad, as well as the US Consulate in Erbil, the capital of Iraqi […]

It Would Take Two Strikes to Win War Against Iran – US Senator

The statement comes after the United States deployed an aircraft carrier strike group and a bomber task force to the Persian Gulf last week, with National Security Adviser John Bolton claiming that any attack on the US or allied interests would be met with “unrelenting force”. Republican Senator from Arkansas Thomas Cotton said Wednesday that the […]

‘We fundamentally do not seek a war with Iran’ – Pompeo

The US secretary of state’s remarks come after the US deployed an aircraft carrier strike group and nuclear-capable B-52 bombers to the Middle East. Meanwhile, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said there would be no war with the US. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Tuesday that the United States does not […]