Iran nuclear deal signatories to meet as accord nears collapse

Meeting comes as European parties to pact weigh triggering mechanism that could lead to reimposition of sanctions over Iranian violations AFPToday, 12:27 pm VIENNA — The remaining signatories to the faltering 2015 Iran nuclear deal will meet in Vienna on Friday with the survival of the landmark agreement at stake after Tehran vowed to continue […]

Bennett to EU: ‘We’ll destroy your construction in Area C’

Defense Min. Bennett: Funding illegal construction in Judea and Samaria a ‘waste of money.’ Arutz Sheva Staff, 06/12/19  Naftali Bennett Reuters Defense Minister Naftali Bennett (New Right) met this week with European Union’s (EU) ambassador in Israel, telling him that Israel’s defense organizations are no longer willing to make peace with the uncontrolled illegal construction […]

Iran has been sending missiles to Iraqi Shi’ite militias for two years: Background and BREAKING news

Two years of Iranian missile being sent to Iraq By SETH J. FRANTZMAN Iran has been transferring missiles and munitions via Iraq for years, including short-range ballistic missiles. The latest reports on Thursday come almost a year and a half after reports that similar missiles had been sent to Iranian-backed Shi’ite militias in Iraq and […]

Turkish expansion leading to naval showdown with Greece – Al Jazeera

Turkey’s expansion of its maritime boundaries to Mediterranean areas claimed and defended by the Greek navy has raised the danger of an armed conflict between the NATO allies, Al Jazeera reported. Turkey signed a memorandum of understanding with the Libyan Government of National Accord on Nov. 27 that marked the two countries as maritime neighbours, allocating […]

Rockets hit US airbase in N.Iraq: Army

No casualties or damage reported from rockets at Balad airbase, located about 64 km north of Baghdad Mohamed Waleed   |06.12.2019 BAGHDAD Two Katyusha rockets hit Balad airbase in Iraq, the army said on Friday. “The Katyusha rockets landed at Balad airbase in Saladin province without causing any casualties or material damage,” said an official […]

Amid Iran tensions, US may send thousands more troops to Mideast

Pentagon mulling deployment as violence spreads in Islamic Republic and intelligence points to a growing threat from regime By Matthew Lee Today, 6:01 am 0 Edit AP — The Pentagon is considering sending several thousand additional troops to the Middle East to help deter Iranian aggression, amid reports of escalating violence in Iran and continued […]

Auschwitz survivor says he fears global rise of anti-Semitism

Frederick Terna, 96, thinks Merkel’s first visit to Nazi camp is positive; worried by similarities he sees between today’s politics and the ‘narrow nationalism’ of the 1930s. Catherine TRIOMPHEToday, 7:51 am NEW YORK (AFP) — As German Chancellor Angela Merkel visits Auschwitz for the first time on Friday, 96-year-old survivor Frederick Terna will be at […]

Trump may deploy 14,000 troops to counter Iran aggression

Multiple reports citing unnamed officials say Trump is planning to deploy the troops to counter increased Iranian adventurism in the region. Israel played a role in President Donald Trump’s reported plans to send an additional 14,000 troops to the Middle East, The Wall Street Journal reported. Multiple reports citing unnamed officials say Trump is planning […]

Netanyahu believes: Bennett will be strengthened

Report: PM is pushing for the right-wing parties to ren separately in the next election so that the national camp wins 61 seats. Ben Ariel, 06/12/19  Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is trying to “re-engineer” the right-wing bloc with the goal of maximizing the power of the camp and winning 61 seats if the Knesset is […]

How the Israel-Iran war might begin

In the back of everyone’s mind there will be a constant and nagging question mark over what happens next. Everyone that is, except for Iran. YAAKOV KATZ DECEMBER 6, 2019 08:18 AN ISRAELI F-35 fighter jet gets ready to take off in the Negev. Will it soon fly to Iran? The missiles will come in […]

Norway Threatens Palestinian Aid Cut Over Racism, Violence in Textbooks

by Algemeiner Staff     The Storting in Oslo, Norway. Photo: Stortinget / CC BY-ND 2.0. The Norwegian parliament called on the Palestinian Authority on Thursday to remove violent, racist and antisemitic materials from its school curriculum, or else face a drop or cessation in funding. A majority in the Storting’s 16-member Standing Committee on […]

Israel tests rocket propulsion system from Palmahim

The Defense Ministry announced that a rocket propulsion system was tested early Friday from the Palmahim Air Base. Flights from Ben-Gurion international airport were briefly rerouted. The test was described as part of a regular series. According to foreign sources, Israel has been testing propellants for launching ballistic missiles with ranges of thousands of kilometers […]