North Korea holds political conference before year-end concessions deadline set for US By Zack Budryk – 12/28/19 10:49 PM EST

North Korean state media reported Sunday that the nation has opened a major political conference to address “harsh trials and difficulties” ahead of a year-end deadline the country set for the Untied States to offer concessions in ongoing nuclear talks, according to The Associated Press. Chairman Kim Jong UnKim Jong UnGermans think Trump is more […]

What is known about rocket attack that killed a US contractor and wounded several US forces in Iraq

On Friday a salvo of rockets struck the K-1military base northwest of Kirkuk. It is the most significant of more than a dozen similar attacks over the past year on bases where US and Coalition forces are located in Iraq. The following is what we know. Background In 2018 rockets target US consulate in Basra. […]

Turkey speeds up Libya troop deployment deal to prevent slide into ‘chaos’

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu attends a news conference in Ankara. (File photo: Reuters) Turkey’s foreign minister warned that the Libyan conflict risks sliding into chaos and becoming the next Syria, as he sought to speed up legislation to allow it to send troops to the North African country. Libya’sUN-recognized Government of National Accord (GNA) […]

Israel Mossad chief: Iran at the top of priorities

Chief of Israeli Mossad, Yossi Cohen, has announced that Iran is “at the top of Mossad’s priorities,” Israeli media reported on Thursday. These remarks were made during a ceremony organised by Israel’s president, Reuven Rivlin, to award certificates of excellence to Mossad officials. He noted: “All Iranian nuclear, long-range missile and precision missile activities, [Iran’s] […]

Israel Mossad chief: Iran at the top of priorities

Chief of Israeli Mossad, Yossi Cohen, has announced that Iran is “at the top of Mossad’s priorities,” Israeli media reported on Thursday. These remarks were made during a ceremony organised by Israel’s president, Reuven Rivlin, to award certificates of excellence to Mossad officials. He noted: “All Iranian nuclear, long-range missile and precision missile activities, [Iran’s] […]

Death Toll in Mogadishu Truck Bombing Tops 90

THE MEDIA LINE STAFF 12/29/2019 An international aid group working in Somalia says that more than 90 people have died as a result of Saturday’s massive truck bombing in the capital Mogadishu. The bomb went off at a checkpoint during morning rush hour. No one has claimed responsibility although Mayor Omar Muhamoud blamed the attack […]

Pompeo on secret trip to US Ain al Assad Airbase in Iraq

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo arrived at the US airbase of Ain al-Assad in Iraq’s Anbar province on Saturday, according to the Iraqi Kurdistan Rudaw TV. DEBKAfile reports that Pompeo came from consultations in Washington on how to respond to the pro-Iranian militia rocket attack a day earlier on the US K-1 base near […]