Bahrain applauds US strikes against Kata’eb Hezbollah in Syria and Iraq

2019-12-30 BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:10 P.M.) – The Kingdom of Bahrain has expressed its support for the U.S. strikes on the Kata’eb Hezbollah bases in Iraq and Syria. “The Kingdom of Bahrain expresses support for the strikes conducted by the United States of America, targeting Kata’ib Hizbollah (KH) facilities in the Republic of Iraq and the […]

Netanyahu’s primary victory is good news for Trump

Why Netanyahu’s decisive victory over challenger Gideon Sa’ar in the Likud leadership election bodes well for President Trump. Opinion. Joseph Frager, MD, 31/12/19  Netanyahu, Sa’ar Flash 90 Prime Minister Netanyahu’s stunning and decisive primary victory over Gideon Sa’ar spells good news for Israel and America. The pundits had already written Netanyahu off. The New York […]