Iran State Media Report Tehran Police Chief Denies Shots Targeted Protesters

World 12:48 13.01.2020 by Svetlana Ekimenko Previously, President Donald Trump took to Twitter to warn the Iranian authorities against “killing protesters” and tweeted his support for the demonstrations sparked by Tehran’s unintentional downing of a Ukrainian jet amid spiralling US-Iran tensions. Police in the Iranian capital did not fire on protesters and officers have been […]

Hezbollah Says Payback for US Strike Has Just Begun

A supporter of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah wears the words “powerful revenge” on her hand, ahead of the leader’s televised speech in a southern suburb of Beirut, Lebanon, Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020 following the U.S. airstrike in Iraq that killed Iranian Revolutionary Guard Gen. Qassem Soleimani. The placard in her other hand depicts Soleimaini and […]

Rouhani: A similar response to Washington’s decision on the Iranian Revolutionary Guard

Created on Monday, 13 January 2020 09:37 Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has ordered the parties concerned to implement the amended “reciprocal response law” to Washington’s decision to place Iran’s Revolutionary Guards on the US terrorism list. The Iranian News Agency IRNA reported that the law provides for the classification of the US Central Command “Centcom” […]

Top White House official says peace plan could be rolled out before March vote

‘We’re not timing anything based on domestic politics’ of the two sides, says Robert O’Brien, confirming Israeli reports that Trump administration may release proposal within weeks TOI staffToday, 10:22 am A top White House official has said US President Donald Trump’s administration will not necessarily wait until after Israel’s March 2 elections to release its […]

Top White House official says peace plan could be rolled out before March vote

‘We’re not timing anything based on domestic politics’ of the two sides, says Robert O’Brien, confirming Israeli reports that Trump administration may release proposal within weeks TOI staffToday, 10:22 am A top White House official has said US President Donald Trump’s administration will not necessarily wait until after Israel’s March 2 elections to release its […]

Israel Said to be Concerned About Secret ICC Arrest Warrants – Members of Israel’s Diplomatic-Security Cabinet are said to be “profoundly concerned” that the International Criminal Court will launch a war crimes investigation against Israel within 90 days and may issue secret arrest warrants against Israeli officials. Last month, ICC Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda announced: “I am satisfied that there is a reasonable basis to […]

Did Trump kill Soleimani to avoid another Benghazi?

According to Trump’s longtime friend and considervative journalist Christopher Ruddy the tragic events of 2012 had a deep impact on him. JERUSALEM POST STAFF JANUARY 13, 2020 08:52 US President Donald Trump said at a campaign rally in Toledo, Ohio, on Friday that if he had not sent troops to protect the embassy in Baghdad, […]

Iraq warns of ‘collapse’ as Trump threatens to block oil cash kept in Fed bank

Sources say US president has threatened sanctions that would immediately block 90% of Baghdad’s budget; Iraqi PM said ‘pissed,’ as official says Trump ‘politicizes everything’ By Maya Gebeily Today, 8:51 am   BAGHDAD, Iraq (AFP) — Iraqi officials fear economic “collapse” if Washington imposes threatened sanctions, including blocking access to a US-based account where Baghdad […]

Videos appear to show Iranian police using live fire against protesters

Clips show demonstrators flee tear gas, woman apparently shot and bleeding out as public continues to respond angrily to shoot-down of Ukrainian passenger plane By Jon Gambrell Today, 9:42 am 1 Edit   Protests continued at multiple sites in Tehran on January 12, 2019, according to video clips sent by sources on the ground to […]

Iranian news agency releases 2nd video depicting Trump’s assassination

In a fabricated video, the second of this kind, an Iranian commando is depicted attacking the White House. JERUSALEM POST STAFF JANUARY 13, 2020 08:31 A propaganda video showing an Iranian commando planning and then executing an attack against the White House resulting in US President Donald Trump’s death was published by the Iranian semi-official […]