Dancing to the tune of Hamas: Egypt, Israel and Gaza

Would a long-term truce with Hamas be compatible with the interests of Israel, Egypt and Hamas, ensnared in the web of their common borders? ZVI MAZEL JANUARY 23, 2020 22:31 Would a long-term truce with Hamas be compatible with the interests of Israel, Egypt and Hamas, ensnared in the web of their common borders? Israel […]

‘This crime had accomplices’: Full text of Putin’s World Holocaust Forum speech

Those who helped the Nazis ‘were often crueler than their masters,’ Russian president says. ‘The Holocaust was deliberate annihilation. The Nazis intended the same fate for others’TOI staff23 January 2020, 9:41 pm Full text of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s speech at the “Remembering the Holocaust: Fighting Antisemitism” World Holocaust Forum event at Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, […]

Palestinian Authority warns Israel, US ‘not to cross the red lines’

A Fatah official warned that Trump’s plan would lead to an “explosion” in the region. “No Palestinian can accept this dangerous conspiracy.” KHALED ABU TOAMEH JANUARY 23, 2020 21:40 Palestinian officials said on Thursday that US President Donald Trump’s decision to release his Middle East peace plan was aimed at helping Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu […]

Iran-Backed Militias Continue Attacks on U.S. Outposts in Iraq

Adam KredoJanuary 23, 2020 2:05 PM Iran-backed militias continue to wage attacks on American outposts in Iraq, according to senior U.S. officials. James Jeffrey, the Trump administration’s special representative for Syria engagement and special envoy for the global coalition to defeat ISIS, said the United States continues to experience targeted strikes by Iran-backed militia groups […]

Putin to receive ‘Friends of Zion Award’ in Jerusalem

The award, commissioned by Israel’s ninth president Shimon Peres, will be presented to Putin on behalf of the Russian republic, which saved scores of Jewish people during World War II. JERUSALEM POST STAFFJANUARY 23, 2020 11:44 Russian President Vladimir Putin will be honored with the Friends of Zion Award this week while visiting Jerusalem for […]

Iran: Masked Gunmen Kill Local IRGC Commander

Wednesday, 22 January, 2020 – 11:30 Masked gunmen on Wednesday ambushed and killed the local commander of a paramilitary security force in southwestern Iran, an associate of Iran’s top general recently killed in an American drone strike in Baghdad, the official IRNA news agency reported. The slain commander, Abdolhossein Mojaddami, headed the Basij forces, a […]

What Kushner’s canceled trip to Israel might mean

“There is no reason to release a plan now if one wanted it to be seriously considered,” former ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro told The Jerusalem Post. OMRI NAHMIAS JANUARY 23, 2020 11:42 WASHINGTON – The decision of Jared Kushner to cancel the peace team’s visit to Israel, citing weather conditions and delayed flight, left […]

Russia Says 40 Syrian Fighters Killed in Militants’ Attack on Idlib

Attack is ongoing, with at least 600 militants participating, Russian military says Reuters and The Associated Press Jan 23, 2020 Up to 40 Syrian soldiers were killed, and 80 wounded in an attack by militants in Syria’s flashpoint Idlib region, Russia’s defence ministr said on Thursday Militants set off car bombs and used heavy gunfire to storm army […]

Trump says Iraq happy with US troops

Iraq likes what U.S. troops are doing there, President Donald Trump said on Wednesday at talks with the Iraqi president about the future of the mission, which has been in doubt since a U.S. drone strike killed an Iranian commander in Baghdad. Iraqi President Barham Salih’s office said he and Trump had discussed reducing the number […]

Iran Warns EU Not to Follow US Lead on Nuke Deal

CHARLES BYBELEZER 01/23/2020 Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has warned European powers against following in the footsteps of US President Donald Trump by withdrawing from the 2015 nuclear accord. “I am emphasizing that if the Europeans make a mistake and violate the deal, they will be responsible for the consequences of their actions,” Rouhani said. The […]

Putin promised Naama’s mother: ‘Everything will be fine’

Yaffa Issachar joined meeting between PM and Putin, who said afterward, “It’s clear Naama is from a good family. It’ll all be ok.”   Arutz Sheva Staff, 23/01/20 11:39   Putin, Netanyahus and Issachar   “It’s clear Naama is from a good family,” Putin said after the meeting. We will take everything into account when […]

PA: ‘The Muslims have absolute right’ to Western Wall

PA TV: ‘The Muslims have absolute right to it and there isn’t even one rock there that dates back to period of King Solomon, as Jews claim.’   Mordechai Sones, 23/01/20 11:13 [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skbSs0dsluA?autohide=1&rel=0] Palestinian Media Watch reports the official Palestinian Authority television narrator’s claim that “the historical documents in the possession of the Palestinians […]