Russia says it is working on virus vaccine together with China

Reuters | Published: 01.29.20 Russia and China are working jointly to develop a coronavirus vaccine and Beijing has handed over the genome of the virus to Moscow, the Russian consulate in China’s Guangzhou said on Wednesday”Russian and Chinese experts have begun developing a vaccine,” the consulate said in a statement on its website.Russia has not […]

Can the Deal of the Century Bring Peace to the Middle East?

President Donald Trump revealed the key points of his administration’s ‘Deal of the Century’ on Tuesday while Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was visiting the White House; Several ambassadors for Arab nations were present for the announcement; The deal is being met with both approval and opposition. United States President Donald Trump revealed his plans […]

Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Qatar, UAE welcome Trump peace plan

“The Kingdom reiterates its support for all efforts aimed at reaching a just and comprehensive resolution to the Palestinian cause,” said the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs. OMRI NAHMIAS JANUARY 29, 2020 06:14 WASHINGTON – Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Qatar, and the UAE on Tuesday issued statements welcoming the Trump administration’s peace plan. “The Kingdom reiterates […]

Giving Israel the high ground in the US – analysis

For the plan to move the diplomatic process with the Palestinians forward, the Palestinians would have to take part in it – something they have stubbornly refused to do. By HERB KEINON JANUARY 28, 2020 22:08 The chances are good that the “Deal of the Century” US President Donald Trump rolled out on Tuesday night […]

The Deal of the Century: Cautious pessimism

What the Trump Plan has accomplished is force the Palestinians to confront their suicidal ideology and genocidal ambitions head on. That won’t be easy for them, and they will likely be unable to overcome their rabid Jew hatred. Rabbi Steven Pruzansky, 29/01/20 07:36 | updated: 07:16 Rabbi Steven Pruzansky Rabbi Pruzansky is the spiritual leader […]

Despite Trump deal’s nod to 2-state solution, there’s no Palestine on horizon

30 years after James Baker angrily told Israelis to ‘call us when you’re serious about peace,’ president’s plan marks 180 degree shift of US policy — but peace will remain elusive By Raphael Ahren Today, 5:02 am 6 Edit Raphael Ahren is the diplomatic correspondent at The Times of Israel.   WASHINGTON — In June […]

Likud minister says cabinet won’t discuss annexation on Sunday after all

After Netanyahu vows to immediately push dramatic move, Yariv Levin cites time needed to prepare documents, wait for approval from AG, who doesn’t rule it out TOI staffToday, 9:24 am A minister from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party said Wednesday morning that the cabinet will not discuss an immediate annexation of West Bank settlements […]