Bennett will request advanced weapons during working meeting with Mark Esper

Bennett will request advanced weapons during working meeting with Mark Esper During working meeting with US Sec. of Defense Esper, DM Bennett is expected to request advanced weapons to combat Iranian entrenchment.   Kobi Finkler, 04/02/20 10:08   Defense Minister Naftali Benentt with IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi Ariel Hermoni/ Defense Ministry Defense Minister […]

Navy, Shin Bet thwart attempted weapons smuggling into Gaza from Sinai

Investigation found the weapons were destined for Hamas’ naval commando unit. ANNA AHRONHEIM FEBRUARY 4, 2020 10:08 The Israeli Navy thwarted an attempt to smuggle weapons into the Gaza Strip from the northern area of the Sinai Peninsula, the military cleared for release on Tuesday. The joint operation with the Shin Bet security service took […]