Iran unveils ballistic missile, ‘new generation’ engines

Revolutionary Guards commander hails ‘leap in modern missile technology’ with short-range Raad-500 missile that is ‘cheaper, lighter, faster and more precise’ Today, 3:32 pm TEHRAN, Iran — Iran’s Revolutionary Guards unveiled Sunday a short-range ballistic missile that they said can be powered by a “new generation” of engines designed to put satellites into orbit. The […]

Netanyahu: I stood up to pressure that no other Israeli prime minister ever faced

  PM addresses Likud lawmakers to plan out election campaign, touts his ability to withstand US pressure to make concessions.   Hezki Baruch, 09/02/20 15:58   Netanyahu at Likud meeting February 9th 2020 Kobi Richter/TPS Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu held a meeting with Likud lawmakers Sunday afternoon to plan out the party’s election campaign […]

African leaders reject Trump peace plan, back Palestinians

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — African leaders condemn US President Donald Trump’s Israel-Palestinian peace plan as illegitimate, taking advantage of an African Union summit to voice solidarity with “the Palestinian cause.” AU Commission Chairman Moussa Faki Mahamat tells assembled heads of state that the plan unveiled in late January represented the “umpteenth violation of multiple United […]

Netanyahu threatens ‘devastating action’ against Gaza terror groups

February 09, 2020 Netanyahu issues stark warning to senior Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad operatives amid tensions in south Israel’s caretaker Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned on Sunday that Israel will not tolerate any aggression from Gaza and is prepared to conduct “devastating action” against the terror groups in the Palestinian enclave. In his opening […]

Despite US opposition, settler leader urges immediate West Bank annexation

Despite US opposition, settler leader urges immediate West Bank annexation Despite US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman cautioning Israel against unilaterally parts of the West Bank, a prominent settler leader and ally of Prime Minister Netanyahu is calling for the government to honor the premier’s earlier promise to immediately do so. “Yesha Council chairman David […]


Yesterday, a Special Forces team was ambushed in Afghanistan by a rogue Afghan policeman. Two American commandos have been killed and eight wounded. In addition, at least eight Afghan commandos have died as a result of the attack. Sources with intimate knowledge of the incident told SOFREP that the Greens Berets of Operational Detachment Alpha (ODA) 73## […]

‘An opportunity to determine Israel’s borders’

Yesha foreign envoy: US ambassador’s announcement is a wake-up call to us all – time to sit down and establish Israel’s future borders. Arutz Sheva Staff, 09/02/20  Head of the Efrat local council and Yesha Council Chief Foreign Envoy Oded Revivi responded to the announcement of US Ambassador David Friedman whereby a joint committee of […]

In U-turn, US envoy Friedman cautions Israel against ‘unilateral’ annexation

After giving green light to sovereignty over settlements following rollout of Trump peace plan, ambassador says rash move would ‘endanger’ plan By TOI staff Today, 12:19 pm   US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman on Sunday said that any “unilateral” Israeli decision to annex parts of the West Bank would endanger Washington’s Middle East peace […]

Thai security forces kill soldier who carried out shooting rampage

  Thai security forces kill soldier who carried out a shooting rampage that left at least 21 people dead.   Arutz Sheva Staff, 09/02/20 04:29   Rescue workers enter Thailand shopping mall following shooting attack Reuters Thai security forces on Sunday killed a soldier who carried out a shooting rampage that left at least 21 […]

Sudan’s leader: I felt comfortable with Netanyahu, we ate together

General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan discusses his meeting with PM Netanyahu: I told him about the interests of Sudan. Arutz Sheva Staff, 09/02/20 Sudan’s leader, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, on Saturday gave an interview to a local newspaper in which he discussed his meeting this past week with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. Burhan said in the […]

A Man of a Thousand Faces Wears a New Mask

Amir TaheriFebruary 9, 2020 at 4:00 am In the meantime, conscious of the fact that Iranians are suckers for real or fake academic titles, to enhance his persona, Rouhani enrolled in a British college in Glasgow to obtain a PhD in Islamic law. Thus, in a few years’ time, he was able to rebrand himself […]