Erdogan Demands Syrian Forces Immediately Leave Idlib, Refuses to Wait Until End of Month

ANKARA (Sputnik) – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan demanded on Saturday that Syrian government forces immediately withdrew from areas close to Turkish observation posts in Idlib, backtracking from his previous pledge to wait for the move until the end of February. “Until the regime’s [Syrian government] forces pull out beyond the borders [of the Idlib […]

Cleared: Hamas cyberattack thwarted

Security establishment thwarts malicious Hamas technology aiming to infect cell phones of those in the IDF via social media. Arutz Sheva Staff, 16/02/20  Cyber attack Istock The security system thwarted a number of Hamas servers over the weekend trying to infect cellular devices of those serving in the IDF, it was cleared for publication Sunday […]

Arab attacks Border Police officer in Hevron

Arab arrives at inspection post near Cave of Patriarchs and refuses to undergo inspection. Knife found in his bag. Arutz Sheva Staff, 16/02/20 Cave of Patriarchs Flash 90 A Palestinian Arab was arrested Sunday morning at one of the Border Police inspection posts in the city of Hevron, near the Cave of the Patriarchs, according […]