UN nuclear watchdog plans rebuke of Iran over access to sites – report

New International Atomic Energy Agency head Rafael Grossi ready to taker a harder attitude toward non-compliance with 2015 deal, diplomats say By Stuart Winer and AP Today, 10:32 am The United Nations atomic watchdog is preparing to rap Iran for stonewalling for preventing access to nuclear sites that inspectors want to visit under the terms […]

Likud scouts for center-left defectors to round off majority government

Binyamin Netanyahu sent scouts to the left-of-center camp for defectors as soon as the exit polls showed his Likud in the lead in Israel’s third election in a year. As vote-counting proceeded Tuesday, Likud sustained its lead, but was still short of two or three mandates for a majority. In his victory speech, the prime […]

Netanyahu Claims ‘Enormous Victory,’ Pledges to Form ‘Nationalist Government’

 by Benjamin Kerstein Confetti falls as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stands next to his wife Sara after speaking to supporters following the announcement of exit polls in Israel’s election at his Likud party headquarters in Tel Aviv, Israel, March 3, 2020. Photo: REUTERS/Amir Cohen. Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed an “enormous victory” in […]