Rocket lands near Baghdad’s Green Zone, US helicopters scrambled – reports

27 Mar, 2020 00:53 At least one rocket was fired in the vicinity of the heavily fortified Green Zone in Baghdad, where the American Embassy is located, according to local reports. Military aircraft were spotted hovering in the area afterwards. An explosion rocked the Iraqi capital early on Friday morning local time, according to Al-Arabiya, […]

Trump says US and China “working closely together” against coronavirus

March 27, 2020, 03:04 AM Trump praises China’s expertise on coronavirus after reconciliatory phone call with President Xi The US and China are “working closely together” on fighting the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, US President Donald Trump said on Twitter early on Friday. He also praised China for having developed “a strong understanding of the Virus[sic]” […]

France’s Macron says he and Trump preparing an initiative on coronavirus crisis – Twitter

Published: 03.27.20 , 08:10 French President Emmanuel Macron said on Friday that he had a “very good discussion” with U.S. President Donald Trump over the coronavirus crisis and that the two were preparing a new initiative to combat the pandemic.”In response to the COVID-19 crisis, we are preparing with other countries a new strong initiative […]

Netanyahu finally wins Israel’s elections, set to form large center-right government

(March 26, 2020 / JNS) In a key political victory, embattled Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu secured an additional 18 months in office, as challenger Benny Gantz dismantled his Blue and White Party alignment and agreed to bring his smaller Israel Resilience faction into a Netanyahu-led government. According to the terms of the agreement, which is […]