Russia Says “No Problem” Delivering S-400 Missiles To Iran When UN Embargo Expires

by Tyler Durden Mon, 10/05/2020 – 04:15 Currently Iran already operates the S-300 anti-air defense system, but just ahead of the major UN weapons embargo set to expire this month, which the US contests, Russia has once again strongly suggested that it’s poised to transfer its more advanced S-400 system to Iran. The latest comments […]

Lebanon’s economic woes may get the better of Hezbollah

Hezbollah, once wielding considerable power in the Lebanese government, is now under pressure as Lebanon’s economy faces collapse. Op-ed. 05/10/20 10:48   Clashes between anti-government demonstrators and Hezbollah supporters in Beirut Reuters (JNS) – Direct talks between Israel and Lebanon are slated to begin next week over the maritime border between the two countries. Finagling […]

US envoy Friedman: If Biden wins, it will be bad for Israel and Gulf on Iran

American ambassador tells Emirati website that Democrat nominee would undermine efforts of Trump administration to reverse nuclear deal By TOI staff and Agencies Today, 6:18 am US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman on Sunday told a United Arab Emirates news site that a Joe Biden win in next month’s US elections would see American policy […]

85–Blaspheming God

  The Rabshakeh uses the same voice as he spoke before, but with a different tactic. He stood in this position to focus attention upon himself. In this position and in these words the voice and attitude of Satan are obvious, pride and self-aggrandizement. One aspect of this situation to be aware of is of […]

Iraqi political thinker: ‘Israel can’t be destroyed; most Iraqis would support peace with Israel’

  Iraqi political thinker: ‘Israel can’t be destroyed; most Iraqis would support peace wih Israel’ ‘Arab politicians can no longer say that they will destroy Israel and throw it into the sea, because Israel has become so powerful.’   Arutz Sheva Staff , 04/10/20 13:12   [youtube] Iraqi political thinker Hassan Al-‘Alawi said in […]

Lebanon-Israel talks will mark another win for Donald Trump

Sanctions are forcing Beirut to the table in another blow to Iran Whatever be the outcome of the US presidential election in November, credit must be given where credit is due. And it would be fair to say that, for the Middle East, the current incumbent Donald Trump has been consequential as an American leader. […]

Analysis: Erdogan’s plan to take over the Palestinian Authority

By inviting Turkey to monitor the elections, Abbas is advancing Turkey’s mission of replacing his regime with a Muslim Brotherhood-led government. By Khaled Abu Toameh, The Gatestone Institute On September 21, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas phoned Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and requested that Turkey send Turkish observers to monitor Palestinian elections, if and when they […]

Iran’s mullahs and the American elections

Salem AlKetbi , 03/10/20 20:03 For some time now, the mullahs of Iran have been tirelessly speaking out against instrumentalizing their country in the upcoming US presidential elections. But at the same time, they have been loudly proclaiming that the Trump administration’s sanctions strategy went belly-up. The strategy earned the US unprecedented international isolation, they […]

Are we witnessing a geopolitical realignment in the Middle East?

Saudi Arabia is likely to be the next country to sign an agreement with Israel. MOHAMMAD AMJAD HOSSAIN OCTOBER 3, 2020 20:31 The signing of normalization of relations with Israel by two Arab Gulf countries: United Arab Emirates and Bahrain on September 15 at White House in presence of US President Donald Trump gives the […]

World must compel Israel to destroy Its nuclear arsenal, Iran FM tells UNGA

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif called on the international community to mount pressure on the Israeli regime “to promptly accede to the NPT and destroy its nuclear arsenal”. “The international community must compel Israel—which has aggression in its very DNA—to promptly accede to the NPT and destroy its nuclear arsenal. And given its six […]