The Soul of a Nation

The Soul of a Nation For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12 The Biden-Harris campaign, recently switched campaign slogans from the generically bland, “Build Back Better,” to the emotionally charged “Battle for the Soul […]

Israel and Normalisation: Is a new Middle East order emerging?

October 30, 2020 The recent normalisation of ties between the UAE, Bahrain and Israel is without doubt the most important event that has taken place in the Middle East this year, and a strong signal that the Middle East is moving into a different era of regional politics. Yet for one reason or another the signing […]

Erdogan ‘trying to start a war in the Med’

The Oruc Reis, escorted by military ships, has become the symbol of Ankara’s quest for natural gas in the eastern Mediterranean. (File/AFP) Erdogan ‘trying to start a war in the Med’ The Greek Foreign Ministry condemned the Turkish move Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias is to inform the country’s allies about the developments Updated 01 […]

Iran’s Mullahs are in Turmoil Thanks to America’s Current Policy

Majid RafizadehNovember 2, 2020 at 4:00 am Iran’s currency, the rial, lost more than half its value so far just in 2020. Iran’s regime is currently running a $200 million budget deficit per week and it is estimated that if the pressure on Tehran continues, the deficit will hit roughly $10 billion by March 2021. […]

Israel may be threatened by Iran no matter who wins election

This could leave Israel in grave danger both on the nuclear front and regarding ongoing attempts by Tehran to extend its Shi’ite crescent over the Middle East. By YONAH JEREMY BOB NOVEMBER 1, 2020 21:05 IRANIAN PRESIDENT Hassan Rouhani (right) and Foreign Minister Javad Zarif. Who wanted to pay the price of moral action to […]

UAE, Bahrain officials express support for Trump amid MidEast concerns

“We hope for Trump’s victory, but we are also preparing for the possibility of a new president entering the Oval Office in the White House.” JERUSALEM POST STAFF NOVEMBER 1, 2020 14:01 Officials from the UAE and Bahrain have expressed support for US President Donald Trump in the upcoming US presidential elections, amid concerns of […]

First US passport listing ‘Jerusalem, Israel’ as place of birth issued

November 1, 2020 The U.S. ambassador handed out the first passport to bear ‘Israel’ instead of ‘Jerusalem’ under place of birth. By World Israel News Staff On Friday, Menachem Zivotofsky, 18, was the first American citizen born in Jerusalem to receive a U.S. passport listing Israel under place of birth after a rule change by […]

UAE, Bahrain hope for Trump victory

Arab officials say a Biden victory could make Gulf States considering normalization with Israel take a step back. Arutz Sheva Staff , 01/11/20 08:26 Officials in the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain have made it clear that the Persian Gulf states hope that US President Donald Trump wins reelection on Tuesday, Yisrael Hayom reported. “We […]