Tehran sends response on negotiated text • Washington is skeptical By TOVAH LAZAROFF, REUTERS Published: SEPTEMBER 3, 2022 14:07 Updated: SEPTEMBER...
Day: September 3, 2022
3.09.22, 20:34 Iranian authorities have arrested 12 individuals on charges of spying for Israel.
Hana Levi Julian8 Elul 5782 – September 3, 2022 Photo Credit: Executive Office of the President of...
Attacker emerged from a taxi and pulled a knife out of a plastic bag; clashes erupt at...
Turkey's role in Ukraine could foreshadow its desire for a greater role in Palestinian affairs in Israel...
Russia said its forces foiled the attack with strikes from military helicopters and fighter jets, destroying 20...
Washington sees negotiated agreement as only solution to Iran’s nuclear program, as Jerusalem presses White House to...