‘Middle East preparing for war’: Arab states anticipate coming escalation, fmr. IDF officer says

Col. (res.) Alon Eviatar: ‘The main headlines in the Middle East this morning are about preparations for war.’ 103FM VIA MAARIV ONLINE JUNE 25, 2024 14:29 Updated: JUNE 25, 2024 14:30 Col. (res.) Alon Eviatar was interviewed this past Sunday on 103FM to address the IDF’s ongoing battle against Hamas in Gaza and the potential […]

4,000 missiles, 72-hour outages: Northern Israeli mayor warns of ‘blackout scenario’

Nesher Mayor Roy Levy addresses the ‘blackout scenario’ facing Israel’s North if Hezbollah attacks. 104.5FM JUNE 25, 2024 10:14 Updated: JUNE 25, 2024 14:05 (photo credit: AMMAR AWAD/REUTERS)Concern in Israel has risen regarding the “blackout scenario” – the scenario in which, during a war in the North, Hezbollah will manage to disrupt Israel’s electricity supply […]

No famine in Gaza, new report finds

Integrated Food Security Phase Classification admits amount of food available in Gaza increased after previous report in March warning of famine risk. Israel National NewsJun 25, 2024, 3:43 PM (GMT+3) There is no famine in Gaza, a new report by the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) found today (Tuesday). The new study contradicts previous […]

Growing international alarm over potential third Lebanon war involving Iran

International alarm grows over potential third Lebanon war involving Iran. Netanyahu warns of Iran’s multi-front threats while diplomats urge diplomatic solutions amid escalating tensions. TOVAH LAZAROFF YAEL HALFON JUNE 24, 2024 23:45 Updated: JUNE 25, 2024 00:04 An anti-Israel billboard is seen next to the Iranian flag during a celebration following the IRGC attack on […]