Netanyahu asserts Israel may act militarily against Hezbollah if diplomacy fails

Prime Minister Netanyahu emphasized Israel’s right to act militarily against Hezbollah if diplomatic efforts fail to ensure security. TOVAH LAZAROFF SEPTEMBER 16, 2024 21:19Updated: SEPTEMBER 16, 2024 21:53 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.(photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM) The IDF must be free to act to end attacks by the Iranian proxy group Hezbollah, Prime Minister Benjamin […]

42% Drop in Russian Aliyah, 50% Rise in Western Aliyah Since January 2024

David Israel13 Elul 5784 – September 16, 2024 The Knesset Aliyah, Absorption and Diaspora Committee chaired by MK Oded Forer (Israel Beitenu) on Sunday debated the immigration policy of the Nativ liaison bureau and the Jewish Agency, in light of alarming data about the trends of immigration in the past year. According to the Jewish […]