Easter Message 2023
Yesterday's Prophecy, Today's News
Bringing You News From A Biblical Prospective
RISE & SHINE, OH, LORD! Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you. ~ Isaiah 60:1 For all of time, (past/present/future) and into eternity, the hours from the cross to the empty tomb will be unanimously regarded as the most monumental moments in all of human […]
Dr. Mike Murphy Anna sat in a panic. From the driver’s seat, she sat fighting back the tears. The last thing she wanted was to upset her three young children who filled the back seat. As she watched the traffic hurrying by from the restaurant parking lot, she began to wonder what to do next. […]
December 22, 2018 Daniel Woodhead Three Categories of Saints The word saints, is used throughout the Bible to refer to people that have accepted the rule of God in their lives, and is a common word for believers of all ages. There are three groups of saints, divided by when they lived. The first group […]
Acts 017 – The Beginning of the Church Age (pt. 11) | Sugar Land Bible Church | slbc.org
41 God’s Attributes | SermonAudio
First Thessalonians 020 – After the Rapture (part 1) | Sugar Land Bible Church | slbc.org
Genesis 114 – The Deceiver is Deceived | Sugar Land Bible Church | slbc.org
40 Gentile Conceits (sermonaudio.com)
Genesis 113 – Faithful in the Little Things | Sugar Land Bible Church | slbc.org
First Thessalonians 019 – Comfort One Another (part 4) | Sugar Land Bible Church | slbc.org
Acts 015 – The Beginning of the Church Age (pt. 9) | Sugar Land Bible Church | slbc.org
39 The Olive Tree | SermonAudio
Acts 014 – “The Beginning of the Church Age (pt. 8).” Acts 2:37-38a. Dr. Andy Woods. 3-15-23. (rumble.com)