Hard times are inevitable, but no matter what you’re going through, there’s only one place of true comfort. Psalm 46:2-11 (KJV) 2 Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; 3 Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah. 4 There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High. 5 God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: …

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GOD’S FULFILLMENT OF PROPHECY TO ISRAEL SINCE THE TIME OF CHRIST Part II ByThomas S. McCall Th.D. End Time Prophecies About Israel Fulfilled During The Church Age God Preserves The Jews, Their Identity And Culture in Spite of Persecution STC172909 A Rabbi tying the Phylacteries to the arm of a boy (oil on canvas) by Jewish School (19th century) oil on canvas Private Collection The Stapleton Collection Israeli, out of copyright Psalm 121:4 4 Behold, He who keeps Israel Will neither slumber nor sleep (NASB). There were prophecies in the Old and New Testament discussing the future restoration of Israel, with a descendant of …

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“I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved”~ John 10:9

“I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved”~ John 10:9 “The soul that believes God’s testimony to the truth of salvation by Christ alone, at once enters God’s presence. But mark the definite article: “I am THE door.” There was only ONE door into the ark in which Noah and his family found shelter from the flood. There was only ONE door into the Tabernacle, which was Jehovah’s dwelling-place. So there is only one “door” into the presence of the Father—”Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is no other name under heaven, …

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The Little Horn

Monday, January 16, 2017 Pete Garcia Imagine if you will, that World War II did not end in an Allied Victory with tickertape parades and sailors kissing nurses. What if the Third Reich had pulled us into a stalemate by not invading the Soviet Union, but focusing their entire energy and inventories into Western Europe first? What if they had managed to create a breakthrough in atomic energy ahead of the US? What if they effectively blockaded Great Britain’s coastline with mines and submarine warfare and holding the tiny island nation hostage? Imagine what Hitler would have done with the …

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“The Messiah shall be cut off, but not for himself.” Daniel 9:26

Blessed be his name, there was no cause of death in him. Neither original nor actual sin had defiled him, and therefore death had no claim upon him. No man could have taken his life from him justly, for he had done no man wrong, and no man could even have lain him by force unless he had been pleased to yield himself to die. But lo, one sins and another suffers. Justice was offended by us, but found its satisfaction in him. Rivers of tears, mountains of offerings, seas of the blood of bullocks, and hills of frankincense, could …

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“I will help thee, saith the Lord.” Isaiah 41:14

This morning let us hear the Lord Jesus speak to each one of us: “I will help thee.” “It is but a small thing for me, thy God, to help thee. Consider what I have done already. What! not help thee? Why, I bought thee with my blood. What! not help thee? I have died for thee; and if I have done the greater, will I not do the less? Help thee! It is the least thing I will ever do for thee; I have done more, and will do more. Before the world began I chose thee. I made …

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Testing Builds Endurance

During times of adversity, realizing that God is ultimately up to something good can bring inner peace. James 1:2-4 2 Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. 4 And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. “Why would a loving heavenly Father allow His children to go through terrible trials and experience sorrow?” We can understand the reason that this is a common question—it can be baffling when the all-powerful God of love seems to stand …

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Like Little Children

Reflections From the Psalms Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger. (Ps. 8:2) Many Christians have been taught that if we have grown in Christ, and have built Christian character that we will be, as it were, spiritual giants. But the Bible tells us that the most mature among us will be as little children. The picture is one of complete dependence upon God as our Heavenly Father. Strength in Christ is directly related to our weakness in ourselves – but only …

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Governed by the Spirit

Reflections For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. (Rom 8:14) Paul is not here talking about LEADINGS. He is not saying that if you are a child of God that God is going to continually feed you information and directions. It isn’t that God never speaks to us, or that God doesn’t lead us, but this isn’t what Paul is talking about. The translation should be, “For as many as are GOVERNED by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.” To be governed by the Spirit of …

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“Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do”

Let this matter of service in God’s House – His Temple-Body – now become of great concern to you. Cry, “Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do”; and “whatsoever He saith unto you, do it”. It is only obedience He requires of you. The gracious miracle-working power is His. Yours but to obey very simple commands: His to transform, the water unto wine, the dead things into the living manifestation of His Grace. Austin-Sparks

Into the Promise Land

An absolutely true historical event is equally an absolutely true parable of the journey of those who come to Christ and are in Him and He in them. It begins with Pharaoh and the need of the people to be set free from from the bondage and slavery of Egypt. It is clear that Pharaoh is a type of the old man in Adam, and how we are born into slavery to him. That is to say, we are all born with the old Adam nature and have no way out of the bondage to that old man. It takes …

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“But I give myself unto prayer.” Psalm 109:4

Lying tongues were busy against the reputation of David, but he did not defend himself; he moved the case into a higher court, and pleaded before the great King himself. Prayer is the safest method of replying to words of hatred. The Psalmist prayed in no cold-hearted manner, he gave himself to the exercise–threw his whole soul and heart into it–straining every sinew and muscle, as Jacob did when wrestling with the angel. Thus, and thus only, shall any of us speed at the throne of grace. As a shadow has no power because there is no substance in it, …

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“Do as thou hast said.” 2 Samuel 7:25

God’s promises were never meant to be thrown aside as waste paper; he intended that they should be used. God’s gold is not miser’s money, but is minted to be traded with. Nothing pleases our Lord better than to see his promises put in circulation; he loves to see his children bring them up to him, and say, “Lord, do as thou hast said.” We glorify God when we plead his promises. Do you think that God will be any the poorer for giving you the riches he has promised? Do you dream that he will be any the less …

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[watch] Pro-Israel Demonstrators in Paris Protesting Division of Israel by 70 Nations