Do Not Starve Your Soul of Nourishment

Are you indeed Christ’s sheep? Then beware of wandering from the pasture He has provided. The devil and the old Adam would often persuade you there is no need for this diligence in using means of grace: “Surely,” they will say, “you are not such a babe but you can leave these fields for a short season; surely you need not keep so closely in your Shepherd’ssight.” Christian, take heed and beware of the charmer, charm he uses ever so wisely. Diligent private prayer, diligent Scripture searching, diligent gospel hearing—these are the pastures in which Jesus feeds His flock, and …

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What makes a Christian a Christian?

By Tiffany Wismer What makes a Christian a Christian? This is a question that is both very simple and very difficult to answer. According to the Bible, there is only one thing that makes a person a Christian, and that is faith in Jesus Christ. But what does that mean? Does it mean just saying “I believe” or praying a prayer? Or is there more to it? The book of Romans goes step by step through what salvation means. The beginning chapters talk about sin, and the penalty for sin (death, hell) and the fact that everyone is sinful. Chapters …

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4 Do Not Be Anxious

With the events of the world seemingly spinning out of control. The enemy wants to divert your focus on God away toward the chaotic events of this world. His desire is to destroy our peace we receive from God. In this audio teaching God implores us to think on things lovely. God wants us to grow in His grace and love. We can enjoy a healthy mind when we stay close to Him when we think on things that: 1. Are true and real 2. Are worthy of respect 3. Are conforming to the principles of God’s Word 4. Are …

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