Believers can expect the Rapture before 2025

03/23/2018 We are a unique generation. For almost two thousand years Christians have waited for Jesus to return but most alive today will actually see that fulfillment. We Christians can and should see the signs of the times. I think all will be (I erred on the side of caution in that 2050 article.) The Rapture occurs at least seven years sooner than the second coming. There probably is also a gap of a few years between the Rapture and the signing of the covenant that starts the final week of years for Israel. So let’s assume the time between the Rapture …

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Taylor Force Act Signed Into Law As Part of Spending Bill

03/23/2018 The Taylor Force Act was signed into law on Mar. 23, as it was included in the $1.3 trillion spending bill to fund the government. President Trump officially signed the spending bill in a signing ceremony, stating that while he had multiple reservations about the overall bill, it needed to be signed for the defense spending. When the bill passed the Senate on Mar. 22, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), one of the authors of the Taylor Force Act, hailed the law as “one of the most significant pieces of legislation I’ve been involved with.” “The powerful message from the Force family, along with …

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Question: Can a person be saved if he doesn’t believe in the exclusivity of Jesus Christ?. Question: When will the prophecies of Ezekiel‘s temple (Ezekiel 40–48) be fulfilled?

Brannon Howse: March 21, 2018 | Worldview Weekend This is the first episode of our new series called “Ask Dr. Woods”. Every other week we will have Dr. Woods answer your Bible questions. Please e-mail us your questions to Be sure to put in the subject line “Ask Dr. Woods. Here are the questions we put to Dr. Woods in this first episode.