Another Jesus?

Another Jesus? Dr. Mike Murphy I could not believe what they was saying.  I heard the words, but my mind was not able to comprehend them.  I had mentioned my shock at hearing a pastor who was preaching that Christ was a representative of God, but did not come as God.  Their reply to my statement floored me, as if a punch in the gut that drew the breath out of me.  They told me that they had no problem with what the pastor was preaching, that God could be different things to different people. They then went on to …

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I was thinking about Peter’s view of Himself before the death of Jesus

I was thinking about Peter’s view of Himself before the death of Jesus. In John 13:36, where Peter swears he will lay down his life for the Lord, was his exalted thought of what he was. Yes, he was very earnest and forceful about it and thought he meant it with all of his heart. He did not, however know what the true motive of his heart was. He, like all of us, had self at the core. After he found himself denying Jesus three times, he went out and wept bitterly. Now, as far as we know, no-one of …

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the old fisherman

the old fisherman A True Story by Mary Bartels Bray Our house was directly across the street from the clinic entrance of John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. We lived downstairs and rented the upstairs rooms to out-patients at the clinic. One summer evening as I was fixing supper, there was a knock at the door. I opened it to see a truly awful looking man. “Why, he’s hardly taller than my eight-year-old,” I thought as I stared at the stooped, shriveled body. But the appalling thing was his face – lopsided from swelling, red and raw. Yet his voice was …

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“In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace” (Ephesians 1:7 KJV).

“In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace” (Ephesians 1:7 KJV). In and of ourselves, there is nothing special about us Christians. Who we are in Jesus Christ, now there is something special!! We have the privilege of standing before Father God in the manner Adam did before the Fall! In Christ, we have the same standing before Father God as Jesus Christ Himself! A very exciting truth, one that precious, precious, precious few believers are ever taught (sadly). Denominations always instruct them to strain and strive to have …

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