Is Jesus God in the flesh?

Question: “Is Jesus God in the flesh? Why is it important that Jesus is God in the flesh?” Answer: Since Jesus’ conception by the Holy Spirit in the womb of the virgin Mary (Luke 1:26-38), the real identity of Jesus Christ has always been questioned by skeptics. It began with Mary’s fiancé, Joseph, who was afraid to marry her when she revealed that she was pregnant (Matthew 1:18-24). He took her as his wife only after the angel confirmed to him that the child she carried was the Son of God. Hundreds of years before the birth of Christ, the prophet Isaiah foretold …

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If you can lose your salvation, then what must you do to keep it?

by Matt Slick If it is possible to lose your salvation, then what must you do in order to keep it?  I’ve asked this question many times of those who deny eternal security and have received different responses.  But they all, essentially, can be categorized into two areas:  “Remain faithful,” and “Be obedient.”  Whichever position is taken, both are dependent upon man’s faithfulness and ability. Now, I am trying to be careful here in drawing conclusions because I do not want to be mistaken in how I represent the “other” side.  But I cannot help but wonder that if our salvation …

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