God is thinking about you right now!

Psalm 139:17-18 (KJV)17 How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!18 If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee. Have you ever tried to count the grains of sand on the seashore? For those of us who have tried it is absolutely impossible! There are so many in just a scoop of your hand that it becomes incomprehensible to think that we could even begin to count them.In this scripture verse, the psalmist tells us that God’s thoughts …

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“He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.” Matt. 28:6

“As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side, and they were alarmed. “Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples…’” Mark 16:5-7 “He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: ‘The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day …

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The telephone rang. It was a call from his mother. He answered it and his mother told him, “Mr. Belser died last night. The funeral is Wednesday.” Memories flashed through his mind like an old newsreel as he sat quietly remembering his childhood days. “Jack, did you hear me?” “Oh, sorry, Mom. Yes, I heard you. It’s been so long since I thought of him. I’m sorry, but I honestly thought he died years ago,” Jack said. “Well, he didn’t forget you. Every time I saw him he’d ask how you were doing. He’d reminisce about the many days you …

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By Dr. Thomas S. McCall What happened to the saints of the Old Testament when they died? What happened when Christ died and “descended in to Hades”? What happened between the time the risen Christ appeared to Mary Magdalene and the time He appeared to the disciples later that Sunday evening? What does the Scripture mean that Christ led “captivity captive?” Where do believers go today when they die? The purpose of this article is to find the answer to these questions in the Word of God. When Christ died, His body was in the tomb, but His soul went to Sheol …

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Our Rewards in Heaven

God delights in blessing His followers, and He plans to reward everything done for His name’s sake. Matthew 6:16-20 16 Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.17 But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face;18 That thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly.19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures …

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Isaiah 40:28-31 (KJV)28 Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding.29 He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.30 Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall:31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not …

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When God Died

Romans 5:6“When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners.” _____________________________________________________________Failure, suffering and the pain that comes with human life are something that we naturally seek to avoid at all cost as none of us voluntarily sign-up for hardship and/or rejection. So why is it that we read in the gospels that Jesus, not only came to earth by God’s design, but came in order to suffer, knowing that He would be rejected? He came with the desire to associate with us in our human condition, but why? What would cause this holy …

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The Battle for Our Minds Part I

The Battle for Our Minds Macbeth and Banquo Meeting the witches on the heath By Theodore Chasseriau 1856   Philippians 4:8-9 8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and […]

Jews Must Never Be Afraid to Use Their Well-Earned Power

by Alan M. Dershowitz March 27, 2019 at 5:00 am https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/13960/dershowitz-jews-power No other group is ever accused of having too much power and influence. That false claim – dating back to times and places where Jews had little or no influence – is an anti-Semitic trope that tells us more about the anti-Semites who invoke […]

Leading Someone to Yeshua

The famous hymn “Amazing Grace” contains this line: “I once was lost, but now I am found.” As many know, this hymn was written by slave trader-turned pastor John Newton. What some may not know is that he was a sea captain. In his day, the prospect of being lost at sea was indeed very real. The ability to determine latitude (how far north or south one is in relation to the equator) was relatively easy, but to determine longitude (how far east or west one is in relation to his point of departure) was rather difficult and fraught with the …

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While worshipping, ask the Lord to lead you into His presence. Close your eyes, block out the things around you and focus solely on Him… ____________________________________________ JOHN 4:23-24____________________________________________“But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. “ LET’S WORSHIPMarch 27, 2017 Christian, it’s time to start worshipping! Without delay we must take our knowledge of God’s Word and let it blossom forth in worship. Worship is …

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Spiritual Counterfeits

Reflections When the government trains people to spot counterfeit currency, they don’t spend all of their time studying the various counterfeits – although that is included as a secondary focus. The primary tool for training is genuine currency. If a person is thoroughly acquainted with genuine currency they will be able to spot a counterfeit in a moment. The genuine article for a believer is the Person of Jesus Christ. If we know HIM, we will know what is OF Him. And we will also recognize a counterfeit. Indeed, if we know Him, this will even enable us to understand …

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“Then all the disciples forsook Him and fled.”—Matthew 26:56.

“Then all the disciples forsook Him and fled.”—Matthew 26:56. HE never deserted them, but they in cowardly fear of their lives, fled from Him in the very beginning of His sufferings. This is but one instructive instance of the frailty of all believers if left to themselves; they are but sheep at the best, and they flee when the wolf cometh. They had all been warned of the danger, and had promised to die rather than leave their Master; and yet they were seized with sudden panic, and took to their heels. It may be, that I, at the opening …

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