US mapping team for West Bank annexation said en route to Israel

US officials, among them the ambassador to Israel, are set to meet with three Israeli counterparts to begin work on carrying out Trump peace plan TOI staffToday, 4:18 pm The US members of a committee that will map out areas of the West Bank that Israel may annex as part of US President Donald Trump’s […]

Italy coronavirus cases surpass 100 as towns put on lockdown

Italian PM announces 11 towns in north would be placed under quarantine amid two deaths from virus The number of coronavirus cases in Italy has jumped to over 100, the president of the Lombardy region said on Sunday, as northern towns struggle to contain rising infections. “More than 100 cases” have now been reported throughout […]

Bennett: We’ll keep bodies of Gaza terrorists like they kept our KIAs

Yoav Zitun Published: 02.23.20 , 13:11 Defense Minister Naftali Bennett backs the IDF seizure of the body of a Palestinian killed while placing a bomb at the Gaza border fence earlier Sunday.”I am sick of the hypocritical left-wing criticism of the ‘inhumanity’ of using a bulldozer to bring us the body of a terrorist who […]

The History of the Land Is Jewish, Not Palestinian

By Dr. Yechiel Shabiy February 23, 2020 Ancient synagogue in Gamla in the Golan Heights, built during the Second Temple period in the first century CE, photo via Wikimedia Commons   BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 1,455, February 23, 2020 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The claim by the elected representatives of the Israeli Arab public that they […]

Jesus, God Incarnate

Jesus, God Incarnate Jesus was God incarnate. That is a truth that many people deny. Many cults claim that Jesus was a prophet or a great teacher, but they do not recognize Him as God the Son, the second Person of the Trinity. Cults, such as Mormonism, claim to follow Jesus, but they deny His deity. Islam recognizes Jesus as a teacher, but they worship a demon god and deny the true God.Christianity has nothing in common with these religions or any other group that denies the deity of Christ. The Bible is quite clear that only God Almighty is …

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Health Ministry briefly signals Israel could close borders over coronavirus

Ministry erases warning shortly after posting it; Seoul protests Israeli decision to turn plane back after landing at Ben-Gurion airport TOI staffToday, 6:45 am The Health Ministry said Saturday that Israel would likely soon close its borders to non-citizens amid fears of an outbreak of the COVID-19 coronavirus, but later appeared to backtrack. At the […]

Saudi-led coalition says foiled Red Sea attack by Yemen’s Houthis

REUTERS FEBRUARY 23, 2020 10:17 DUBAI – Naval forces from the Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen on Sunday foiled an “imminent terrorist” attack by the Iran-aligned Houthi movement in the southern Red Sea, a major commercial shipping channel, the Saudi-led coalition said. The forces destroyed an unmanned boat laden with explosives that was launched from […]

Report: 1,000 new housing units in east Jerusalem set for approval in coming days

Green light of project in Givat Hamatos neighborhood comes after Netanyahu vowed new construction After Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced plans to build thousands of new homes in east Jerusalem, the Prime Minister’s Office is preparing to grant the green light for the construction of 1,000 new units in the neighborhood of Givat Hamatos, […]

IDF retaliates against two terrorists on Gaza border, two hit

“The State of Israel does not want a war with Hamas in Gaza, but we have a commitment to the security of southern residents,” By ANNA AHRONHEIM FEBRUARY 23, 2020 10:43 An IDF bulldozer prevented Palestinians from retrieving the body of a suspected terrorist who was killed while reportedly placing an improvised explosive device near […]

Iranian cleric blames Trump for coronavirus outbreak in Qom

Saeedi claimed that the coronavirus outbreak was Trump’s way of fulfilling his promise to hit Iranian cultural sites if the Islamic Republic took revenge for the killing of Soleimani. By JERUSALEM POST STAFF FEBRUARY 23, 2020 04:14 The Friday Prayer Imam of the religious city of Qom, which has been struck with a coronavirus outbreak […]

WATCH: IDF Kills Terrorists Planting a Bomb Along Gaza Border

ByJewish Press News Desk -28 Shevat 5780 – February 23, 2020   An IDF outpost along the border between Israel and Gaza. June 27, 2018. WARNING: The videos and photos below are graphic and may not be suitable for all viewers. IDF troops identified two terrorists in the Gaza Strip who were planting an explosive […]

Libya’s LNA says it has killed 18 Turkish fighters in the country overall

The Libyan National Army (LNA) said on Sunday it had killed 18 Turkish fighters in total since Turkey moved troops into the country in support of its rival, the Government of National Accord (GNA). Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan committed Turkish soldiers and allied Syrian militiamen, reportedly including extremist fighters, to support the GNA against […]