Airstrikes in northwest Syria kill 9 civilians: monitor

Airstrikes by the Syrian regime and its Russian ally killed nine civilians in the last major opposition bastion of Idlib in northwestern Syria, a Britain-based war monitor says. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says seven of those killed were all members of one family in the town of Sarmeen, where an AFP correspondent saw […]

Israeli forces launch large-scale military exercises across multiple fronts

2020-02-02 /* custom css */ { text-align: left; } img { margin: 0 auto 0 0; } BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:30 P.M.) – The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) are conducting large-scale military maneuvers at multiple fronts, an army spokesperson announced on Sunday. READ ALSO: Israel made decision to strike Isramic Jihad command 10 days […]

Russia comes out against Trump plan: ‘It contradicts UN decisions’

February 2, 2020 The Kremlin said the Trump plan contradicts UN decisions. By World Israel News Staff Russia has issued its first official pronouncement on the Trump administration’s deal of the century. On Sunday, Dmitri Peskov, Kremlin press secretary, said, “The plan doesn’t stand in line with the decision of the United Nations and earlier […]

IRGC Strongly Condemns Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has roundly condemned the US-Israel unveiling of the so-called “Deal of the Century” plan. In a statement, the IRGC said the plan will have no fate other than failing and being thrown into the dustbin of history. “The diabolical move by the president of the US terrorist regime in […]

Ministers will vote against Palestinian state

Samaria Council head meets with gov’t ministers, who express concern over Palestinian state in US plan and over delay in sovereignty. Arutz Sheva Staff, 02/02/20  A significant number of government ministers will oppose a proposal for the establishment of a Palestinian state alongside application of sovereignty in Jewish communities, if such a proposal is brought […]

IDF attacks underground Hamas war room

IDF attacks underground infrastructure used by Hamas’ military wing in response to rocket fire and incendiary balloon attacks. Ido Ben Porat, 02/02/20 IDF fighter jets and helicopters attacked several Hamas terrorist targets in the northern Gaza Strip overnight Saturday. Among the targets attacked were underground infrastructures used by Hamas’ military wing, including a structure which […]

King of Jordan confirms ‘firm’ stance on Palestine cause

Jordanian King Abdullah II confirmed on Friday his country’s “firm” position on the Palestinian cause, as well as its support for the Palestinian people, Jordanian and official Palestinian media reported. In a phone call with the Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, the king reiterated his country’s support for the Palestinian efforts to achieve their “just […]

Will he save the world? Israeli looks for coronavirus vaccine

Over 14,000 patients, more than 300 victims, and not a single cure. The UN announced the spread of the Chinese coronavirus as an international emergency and research institutes are working around the clock to find a solution. Moderna Corporation Health Director Dr. Tal Zaks in Boston is working on a vaccine, and was interviewed on […]

Rabbi who crowned Netanyahu warns against Trump plan

“Somehow [Trump] has been misled to come to believe that a demilitarized Palestinian state is acceptable,” said Australian mining tycoon Joseph Gutnick. By GIL HOFFMAN FEBRUARY 2, 2020 08:18 The Australian mining tycoon who helped Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu win his first election for prime minister in 1996 came out strongly against Netanyahu’s endorsement of […]

Abbas: Caught between a rock and a hard place

Since the unveiling of Trump’s plan for Mideast peace last week, Abbas has been facing increased criticism from Palestinians for failing to carry out his recurring threats. KHALED ABU TOAMEH FEBRUARY 2, 2020 10:27 It’s hard to find Palestinians who take seriously Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s latest threat to cut all relations with Israel […]

No Concrete for Gaza After Days of Terror, Fewer Israeli Entry Permits

Hana Levi Julian7 Shevat 5780 – February 2, 2020 Photo Credit: IDF COGAT   Trucks bearing goods arriving at Kerem Shalom Crossing     The Defense Ministry suspended concrete imports into Gaza and cut the number of entry permits into Israel granted to Gazans late Saturday in response to the terror attacks aimed at southern […]

UK cautions Israel against annexing West Bank following release of Trump’s ‘peace plan’

Britain on Friday cautioned Israel against quickly seizing parts of the West Bank in line with a new controversial Middle East initiative outlined by US President Donald Trump. The UK foreign office said London was “concerned” by reports of possible moves toward annexation of parts of the West Bank by Israel. “Any such unilateral moves […]