Iran’s enriched uranium stockpile five times higher than nuclear deal cap: UN watchdog

IAEA says Iran could have at least three undeclared nuclear sites, with Tehran refusing information on those Iran’s stockpile of enriched uranium is five times above the limit set under the 2015 nuclear deal, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said Tuesday in a report, as cited by the AFP. According to the report, as of […]

Exclusive: U.N. nuclear watchdog plans alert on Iranian stonewalling – diplomats

Francois Murphy VIENNA/PARIS (Reuters) – The U.N. atomic watchdog policing Iran’s nuclear deal with major powers plans to issue an imminent rebuke to Tehran for failing to provide access to one or more sites that are of interest to it, several diplomats who follow the agency said on Monday. The International Atomic Energy Agency overseeing […]