Eternal Life
Listen to Brad Maston as he brings the concept of Everlasting life called “Zoe Aionion” in Greek. This is important. Watch this video on YouTube
Yesterday's Prophecy, Today's News
Bringing You News From A Biblical Prospective
Listen to Brad Maston as he brings the concept of Everlasting life called “Zoe Aionion” in Greek. This is important. Watch this video on YouTube
When we refuse to submit to the Holy Spirit in every area of our life, we limit His work in and through us. Ephesians 5:15-21 15 Look therefore carefully how ye walk, not as unwise, but as wise; 16 redeeming the time, because the days are evil. 17 Wherefore be ye not foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. 18 And be not drunken with wine, wherein is riot, but be filled with the Spirit; 19 speaking one to another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord; …
“The point to be observed is this: repentance is a change of mind toward the revealed truth of the Word of God. Previously a man disbelieved the revealed truth; and he has changed his mind and now accepts or believes the revealed truth” (Things Which Become Sound Doctrine, p. 63). Of Acts 20:21 about repentance toward God and faith towards Christ he says repentance is “A change of attitude toward the revealed truth of God that produced a faith toward the Lord Jesus Christ” (p. 64).”Salvation will be preceded by repentance. The one who turns to God accepts God’s Judgment …
That enemy is going to work hard to make you feel worthless.. Insecure.. Defeated.. and a down right Failure.. But God takes us JUST AS WE ARE.. Broken and Lost.. Insecure and Bruised.. He comes to us is all that Shame and Despair.. He comes into us and makes us whole.. it doesn’t take a minute or a day.. It is a lifetime transformation.. Don’t be looking at others in envy.. That someone has more or is more.. Your story is yours.. Your growth is yours.. Keep those eyes on Him.. Devote your life to honoring His Holy name.. Stand against …
Condemning Halamish terror attack, White House official says US ‘committed to finding a resolution to the ongoing security issues’ BY ERIC CORTELLESSA July 24, 2017 WASHINGTON — After days of silence on an escalating crisis surrounding the Temple Mount, US President Donald Trump dispatched his special envoy for international negotiations, Jason Greenblatt, to the region Sunday night to try and end the bloodshed and tension. Greenblatt is expected in Israel on Monday. A senior administration official told The Times of Israel that Greenblatt was on his way to “support efforts to reduce tensions in the region.” Greenblatt, who has been one of …
The Angel of the Lord who showed Ezekiel the Temple now brings him across the outer court to the inner court by the south gate. They now enter the inner court by way of the large inner gate on the south side going out of the outer court. This gate has the same dimensions as the three on the Outer court. Once inside the inner court we see alcoves in the walls of the inner courtyard. This was also the case with the measurements of the guard-rooms, pillars, and wall-projections, and with the position of the windows, and the length and …
Iran has strongly condemned Israel’s siege of the al-Aqsa Mosque and its crackdown on Palestinian worshipers, saying the regime is the source of terrorism in the region. 07/23/2017 Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qassemi on Sunday also called on world nations and governments to support “the oppressed Palestinians and counter inhuman measures and aggression of the usurping Zionists.” He touched on a “continued mass abduction of the Palestinian people by usurious Zionists and their crimes, aggressions and violations of the basic rights of Palestinians, in particular restrictions put on religious freedom and access to holy places” in Jerusalem al-Quds. The crackdown “shows that the oppressed Palestine is still …
“Faith views the One who orders our circumstances, hope looks beyond the present scene, patience gives strength to endure trials, and love delights in Him whom no circumstances affect. While Elijah set the Lord before him he feared not though a host encamped against him. But when he looked upon the creature and contemplated his peril he thought more of his own safety than of God’s cause. To be occupied with circumstances is to walk by sight, and that is fatal both to our peace and spiritual prosperity. However unpleasant or desperate be our circumstances, God is able to preserve …
1 Kings 17:17–19 17 Some time later the woman’s son became sick. He grew worse and worse, and finally he died. 18 Then she said to Elijah, “O man of God, what have you done to me? Have you come here to point out my sins and kill my son?” 19 But Elijah replied, “Give me your son.” And he took the child’s body from her arms, carried him up the stairs to the room where he was staying, and laid the body on his bed. She stands there, tears streaming down her face, holding the body of her son …
“If we have not learned to worship God in the secret place, we cannot do so in public assembly. If we are not ourselves really following Christ, walking and communing with Him, it is but mockery to speak of Him to others. If our “service” for Christ is robbing us of the time so urgently needed for the cultivation of our personal “vineyard,” then it is a snare and a curse to us……Let not the reader conclude from what has been said that the writer is opposed to either public worship or the Christian’s being engaged in any good works …
Quartet voices concern at escalating violence, condemns terror attack ■ Egypt, France and Sweden call for urgent UN Security Council meeting Barak Ravid, Jack Khoury and Amir Tibon Jul 23, 2017 Turkey’s Erdogan condemns Israel’s ‘excessive use of force’ against Muslim worshippers Analysis Jordan, Egypt look to help Israel out of Temple Mount bind Abbas to freeze contacts with Israel until recent decisions on ‘Al Aqsa’ backtracked The White House is holding talks with Israel, Jordan, the Palestinians and other entities in the Arab world in an effort to find a solution to the Temple Mount crisis and stop the …
In the Bible Shem is presented last in the genealogies of Noah’s sons even though he was the first-born. The Hebrew is very emphatic in stating that this line would provide a blessing (Genesis 9:26). Genesis 9: 26 And he said, Blessed be Jehovah, the God of Shem; And let Canaan be his servant. With the way the Hebrew is constructed the word Barooch it implies a blessing by God with full divine strength. It means to endue with special power. Blessed is Jehovah God for keeping His promises of blessing the offspring of Shem. This is a prophetic declaration …
As a concluding message to complete the study of the Revelation a walk through the Bible citing key events will be given here. Starting with creation in Genesis and ending with the new earth, the Eternal Order Watch this video on YouTube
Dr. Mike Murphy As I held her with all my might, every emotion but one escaped from me. And as I got her to the ground, every instinct but one left me. She was no longer breathing, and her pulse could not be felt. My fears were overtaken by every action but one, to do what I could to help her. And as I started working to revive her, I did the one thing I knew could make a difference. I prayed. With each action I took to get her heart beating again, I prayed. I called out to the …