Deliverance In Christ

Reflections From the Psalms Have mercy upon me, O Lord; for I am weak: O Lord, heal me; for my bones are vexed. My soul is also sore vexed: but thou, O Lord, how long? Return, O Lord, deliver my soul: oh save me for thy mercies’ sake. (Ps. 6:2-4) When we are brought to the end of our rope, and come to a complete despair over ourselves, it is not because God has forsaken us. Rather, it is because God is showing us the Truth: There is no hope in ourselves. Indeed, left to ourselves, we would indeed have …

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Freedom from Self

Reflections Scripture tells us that Christ must be formed in us. This means God wants us to inwardly realize and know Christ. But it is vital to also grasp what it does NOT mean. To have Christ formed in me is not SELF-realization. The goal of God is not to bolster self-esteem, help me find the, “real me,” or to enhance my focus on MYSELF. Actually, the more Christ is formed in me, the more I will be set free from my obsession with myself. I will leave myself alone. Why? Because I will see HIM. He is just that …

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Blessed Assurance

By Jim Allen From a worldly perspective, the word “blessed” means to be endowed with natural beauty, a gifted mind, athletic ability, artistic talent, financial wealth, family and friendship, and much more. To be blessed is always a good thing. In life, God’s blessings surround us. They come in many forms. A person doing a random act of kindness is a blessing. A friendly hello, a smile, and a word of encouragement are blessings too. A warm embrace from a loved-one is also a blessing, touching the soul like no other. While surfing the Internet I came across one quote …

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