BYJPOST.COM STAFF 31 JANUARY 2017 The United Nations Security Council was scheduled to hold an emergency meeting on the test; Iran says such trials don’t breach nuclear deal, UN resolution. Israel is urging the world to take action after a US official said Monday that Iran carried out a test launch of a medium-range ballistic missile over the weekend, seemingly in violation of UN Resolution 2231, which forbids the Islamic Republic from carrying out such tests for a period of eights years. The United Nations Security Council was scheduled to hold an emergency meeting on the test at the request …

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“The Lord our Righteousness.” Jeremiah 23:6

It will always give a Christian the greatest calm, quiet, ease, and peace, to think of the perfect righteousness of Christ. How often are the saints of God downcast and sad! I do not think they ought to be. I do not think they would if they could always see their perfection in Christ. There are some who are always talking about corruption, and the depravity of the heart, and the innate evil of the soul. This is quite true, but why not go a little further, and remember that we are “perfect in Christ Jesus.” It is no wonder …

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Discovering God’s will is a daily process of trust.

2 Timothy 3:14-17 (KJV) 14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; 15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. God’s plan ensures every believer can reach his …

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The Broken Power of Satan


Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil. (Heb. 2:1)

When Adam sinned and forfeited life from God, he not only died spiritually, but the entire earthly realm over which God had given him dominion was put under a curse. (Gen. 3:17) From that point, nothing could be produced out of the earthly realm that was spiritual. And even the physical that was produced required a great deal of struggle. In addition, Satan was cast down to the earthly realm. He is the god of this world, with access to all that is earthly.
Jesus Christ became a human being and lived a sinless life. He brought the human being into the fullness of what originally intended for Adam. Then He offered Himself to bear the sin of the world – really to bear all that is earthly pertaining to humankind. This all died when Christ died. What was rasied was a new man in Christ. Death had severed the old creation, and resurrection in Christ had birthed the new.

So what we see is that those who are in Christ have a life inside of them that is not of this earthly. Satan therefore does not have access – indeed it is resurrection life which is victory over Satan in every way. But Satan does continue to be able to approach the natural man that continues to exist in us outisde of our union in Christ.

The point is this: The ground of Satan, or his point of access, has been cut out from under him. Not by obliterating it, but by joining us to the Lord in Spirit. The Christian life is therefore one of living FROM new ground — His victory of resurrection life. The only power that remains for Satan is that of deception. This is why we must know Truth.

Guided Into All Truth

Jesus Christ promised that when the Holy Spirit was given that a primary purpose would be to guide believers into all the Truth. (John 16:13) But we must not limit this to merely an understanding of Bible verses, or the ability to develop a correct theology. No. Jesus Christ is the Truth. In short, being guided into all Truth means that we will be guided into a knowledge of Jesus Christ that will set us free from all error. To be guided into all Truth will eventually result in BEING MADE TRUE UNTO GOD. I will know the Truth and …

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Genesis Message 57 The Struggle for Water

It is important to remember that Isaac is now an extremely wealthy man. Jehovah God has blessed him as promised by giving him flocks, herds, servants and a great household. Interestingly Isaac simply leaves the city of Gerar at Abimelech’s request and moves into the valley of Gerar without any resistance. He could have argued that this right to stay in Gerar was given to his father under an earlier Abimelech (Genesis 20: 15). Perhaps he wanted to avoid the conflict since he had just experienced the envy of Abimelech’s herdsmen. They closed the wells that Abraham’s men had dug. He moved his extensive entourage to the valley. He immediately began to dig wells, as life-sustaining water must be located immediately. As he dug wells the men of Gerar filled them back in. They were still envious of him and this was how they acted out their resentment toward him. Now Isaac named each of the wells exactly as his father Abraham had. The first well, which they reopened, was a highly desirable artesian spring, which essentially means they tapped into an underground river. The Hebrew literally means “living water” Mayeem Hayeem. The net result of this find was a rekindling of Abimelech’s herdsmen’s resentment. Isaac just gave it up to avoid additional conflict. He did give it a name, which represented his characterization of the situation. He called it Esek, which is the only occurrence of this word in the Bible. There is no definition of it in the Hebrew Bible but in the Talmud it is explained as contention or a disputed title to ownership.


Trump: ‘Two sides’ to issue of moving embassy to Jerusalem, ‘not easy

January 30, 2017 Conceding that the decision to move the US embassy to Jerusalem is “not easy,” Trump stressed that “there’s certainly a chance” he will do so, but there are ‘two sides to it’. US President Donald Trump said that it’s certainly possible that he will follow through on his plan to move the US embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, in an interview over the weekend with CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network). “There’s certainly a chance of it, absolutely,” Trump said when asked about the move. “I’ve always liked the concept of doing it, I’ll tell you that.” He also acknowledged that …

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