GOD’S FULFILLMENT OF PROPHECY TO ISRAEL SINCE THE TIME OF CHRIST By Thomas S. McCall Th.D. We often hear of Bible prophecy as it relates to the First and Second Coming of Christ, which is very important, but there is much more Bible prophecy concerning what the Lord is doing between the two Advents of Jesus during the Church Age. These prophecies specifically pertain to God’s ancient covenant people, Israel, and His new covenant people, the Church. This article explains God’s preservation of, and promises to the Jewish people throughout the Church Age, in preparation for the ultimate restoration of …

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A Living Sacrifice

Reflections from the Psalms O Lord my God, If I have done this; if there be iniquity in my hands; If I have rewarded evil unto him that was at peace with me; (yea, I have delivered him that without cause is mine enemy:) Let the enemy persecute my soul, and take it; yea, let him tread down my life upon the earth, and lay mine honor in the dust. Selah. (Ps. 7:3-5) Paul exhorts, “For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged.” (I Cor. 11:31) Believers need to get it settled once and for all: In …

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Q. In the Parable of the Two Sons (Matt. 21:28-32)

Gracethrufaith Question of the Day: Q. In the Parable of the Two Sons (Matt. 21:28-32) Jesus told of a father telling his sons to work in the vineyard. The first son said he wouldn’t, but changed his mind and did. The second son said he would, but changed his mind and didn’t. When Jesus asked them which one did what the father wanted they all agreed is was the first son. “What do you think? There was a man who had two sons. He went to the first and said, ‘Son, go and work today in the vineyard.’ ” ‘I …

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How God Speaks Today

Reflections God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spoke in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken unto us by his Son. (Heb 1:1-2) How does God speak today? Through signs and wonders? By the means of voices in our head? By leading us around to do this or do that? According to the Bible, God today is primarily speaking to us by His Son. Look up the Greek and you will see that it really reads, “God is speaking to us Son-wise.” We are being told that God is revealing …

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